PowerAda Problems and Questions
Information about installation and licensing of PowerAda is found in the Installation Guide.
Information specific to the current version of PowerAda is provided in the Release Notes accompanying this version.
If the information you need is not found in this documentation, or if you find a bug, or if there is a feature you want to see added or change, please contact us. We want to make the product better, so we want to know about bugs and suggested improvements.
If you encounter a bug in any PowerAda tool, please note the context in which you were working, specifically the type of Ada construct you were examining and the attributes of the compilation unit.
Also, please know the version number. This may be determined by running any command line tool followed by -h, for example ada -h.
If you have access to the Internet, the send bug reports and questions to support -at- ocsystems.com. If you're not on the Internet, fax the information to OC Systems, Attention Technical Support, at (703)279-2799.