Setting String Parameters

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Modifying string parameters from applications can be confusing because different languages have different string formats. Here are some examples for modifying different kinds of strings.

C Example

For a C program like this:

/* C function with string parameter */
void p1(const char *str)
  printf("str = %s\n", str);

This probe:

probe thread
   probe "p1"
         // modify string directly 
         $str = "string value";

Will modify the string parameter "str" before it is used in the function.

C++ Example

For a C++ program like this:

void p1(std::string str)
  std::cout << "str = " << str << std::endl;

This probe:

#include "cppstring.h"

probe thread
   probe "p1"
         // modify string using macro
         AP_SET_CPP_STR($str, "new value");

Compiled with this command:

apc -x my program.exe myprobe.apc cppstring.ual

Will modify the C++ string parameter "str" before the method is executed.

See [FAQ] section 17.65 for directions on building cppstring.ual.

Ada Example

See Setting Ada String Parameters for Ada examples.