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m (Statprof UAL parameters)
Line 29: Line 29:
  aprobe  -u statprof.ual [-p "[-a] [-c] [-h] [-i interval] [-l] [-o filename] [-r] [-s size] [-S signum] [-z]  
  aprobe  -u statprof.ual [-p "[-a start end] [-A] [-c] [-h] [-i interval] [-l] [-o filename] [-r] [-s size] [-S signum] [-z]  
     [module name]]" your_program
     [module name]]" your_program
; '''-a'''
; '''-a start end'''
: This performs a profile on the whole address space. This uses the smallest cell size possible, though it will generally be rather coarse.  Be careful to set the APD file size large enough to hold all the data.
: This performs a profile on the specified address range. This uses the smallest cell size possible, though it will generally be rather coarse.  Be careful to set the APD file size large enough to hold all the data.
; '''-A'''
: This cause address range cell information to be displayed by address rather than by symbols.  This is useful when there is no symbol information for the range..
; '''-c'''
; '''-c'''
: This performs a coarse profile to see overall usage in shared libraries. This uses a very large "cell" size which allows you to determine which shared library was active when the kernel tick occurred but not which routine.
: This performs a coarse profile to see overall usage in shared libraries. This uses a very large "cell" size which allows you to determine which shared library was active when the kernel tick occurred but not which routine.

Revision as of 18:19, 29 June 2018

Statistical Profiling: statprof.ual

The statprof.ual predefined probe uses the Unix statistical profiling functions to provide a very low overhead mechanism to sample CPU timing. This is the underlying mechanism used when linking an application with the -p flag (or equivalent), the output of which is viewed using the prof tool. Since this is based on Unix services it is not available for the Windows 2000 version of Aprobe.

The probe works by using the Unix profil function. Normally this would be called from the startup and exit code of an application linked with -p; with Aprobe we call it on program entry and exit. A buffer is allocated and passed to the kernel with a "slot" (or cell) for every couple of instructions. When a kernel clock "ticks", if one of the threads for the application is running, the value in that slot is incremented.

When the application exits (or we take a snapshot), the memory buffer is saved to the APD file. At format time we convert each cell index to an address and use it to compute the time spent in each routine. Obviously, since the kernel is sampling the application at intervals, this is a statistical profiling method: Theoretically an application could spend 99% of it's time in one routine and jump to another routine at exactly the time we are sampling and then immediately return back again. Although this is theoretically possible, in practice it will never happen (given enough samples).

Statprof.ual has a number of advantages over using -p when building your application:

  • You do not need to rebuild your application to use it!
  • With -p you can only get information about the application module. While -p does link in some special static libraries to replace the standard libs this is not a perfect solution. Statprof allows you to access any of your modules.
  • You can take snapshots with staprof, control the cell size, display lines and generally control things to a much finer level.

One thing that statprof doesn't replicate from prof is the call counts facility since this is adequately covered by profile.ual. See apcgp.ual for a probe that provides call graph counts.

Note that unlike profile.ual, which measures wallclock time, statprof.ual only measures CPU time. If the application is paused waiting on input, this time will not be seen. Sometimes you will be more interested in this than wallclock time, other times it will be the reverse. The [../examples/predefined_probes/statprof/README $APROBE/examples/learn/statprof] directory has a worked example where both statprof and profile are used as appropriate.

See profile.ual and apcgp.ual for other approaches to profiling.


Using statprof is straightforward - there is no configuration file or GUI to worry about. All options can be set by command line options (either at runtime or format-time).

Statprof UAL parameters

statprof.ual is specified on the aprobe command line or in an APO file as described in Command Line. The specific options are:

aprobe  -u statprof.ual [-p "[-a start end] [-A] [-c] [-h] [-i interval] [-l] [-o filename] [-r] [-s size] [-S signum] [-z] 
    [module name]]" your_program


-a start end
This performs a profile on the specified address range. This uses the smallest cell size possible, though it will generally be rather coarse. Be careful to set the APD file size large enough to hold all the data.
This cause address range cell information to be displayed by address rather than by symbols. This is useful when there is no symbol information for the range..
This performs a coarse profile to see overall usage in shared libraries. This uses a very large "cell" size which allows you to determine which shared library was active when the kernel tick occurred but not which routine.
This sets the profile timer interval. The default value is 10 milliseconds. Valid values range from 10 milliseconds to 999 milliseconds. (Since 4.4.9).
This displays a breakdown of time within a function by line number as well as by function. The bigger the cell size the less reliable it will be but this can give useful information. This is a format-time option.
-o filename
This outputs comma-delimited data to the given filename. This is suitable for input into a spreadsheet or similar program. Note that the line breaks are PC-based rather than Unix-based as this seems to be more generally accepted by programs we've tested with.
This will reset profile counts for each new snapshot. Without this option profile information will be cumulative for the start of the test.
This sets the number of bytes used for each sampling cell. It's unlikely that you would modify this but if you have a huge application and limited memory you may wish to do so. Basically the larger the cell size, the smaller the amount of storage required to hold the sampling table but it's more likely that the output data will be incorrect. By default two instructions are mapped to a cell which has nearly a 100% chance of both instructions belonging to the same routine due to the padding usually used by compilers. But if there are four instructions for the same cell, there's a chance that some of the instructions are for one function and some for another. However, when formatted they are treated as one address (obviously) so wrong information can result.
This specifies a signal which should force a snapshot. The probe will register a signal handler for this signal so it should be one that is compatible with he application being tested. (Since 4.4.9).
This displays symbols or modules which have no associated CPU: Normally just the names of the routines (or modules) that have matches in the sampling table are displayed. This switch will also display the list of all other routines (or modules). This is a format-time option.

If you do not provide a module name, the application will be profiled.

At format time, the -l, -o, -r and -z options may be provided if they were not specified at runtime.

Statprof Memory And APD Usage

Using statprof requires some consideration for the memory and APD file sizes. Memory usage and APD file size is dependent on the number of sampling "cells" needed to record the profile counts. Memory space must be allocated by statprof to hold a counter (2 bytes per counter) for each sampling cell the cell counters must fit into a single APD file. Additionally, the APD files must not wrap around or the snapshot data will be lost.

Profiling more of the application requires more cells. Increasing the sampling cell size (with -s) will reduce the number of sampling cells needed at the expense of granularity. The -c option requires the fewest sampling cells. The -a option requires the most. On Linux the counters are allocated using mmap. On AIX the counters are allocated using malloc.

As and example, suppose you are profiling an application module whose text size is 10 MB. Roughly speaking, you will need about 1.25 MB (= 10 MB / 8) for the counters at runtime. As for APD files, they must be at least 1.25 MB in size. Use the Aprobe -s option to control individual APD file sizes and the Aprobe -n option to control the number of APD files in the ring.

Here is a sample command that might be used to achieve this:

 aprobe -u statprof -s 2000000 -n 10 myapp,exe

This example sets the APD file size to 2 MB and number to 10 which would allow for 10 snapshots during the test run.

Here is a sample command that might be used to profile a larger module but limit memory usage:

 aprobe -u statprof  -p "-s 32" -s 2000000 -n 10 myapp,exe

Note that there are two -s options in use here. In this case the cell size was set to 32 bytes. This allows profiling a module whose size if 4 times that of the previous example using the same memory footprint. This cells size is probably good enough to distinguish functions but not lines in the functions.

Statprof API

Users can control the behavior of the statprof probe by calls from within their own probes. The API is defined by $APROBE/include/statprof.h. The functions exported by statprof.ual are:


Enables collection of statprof data.

Disables collection of statprof data.

Takes a snapshot of current statprof data.

Statprof Demand Actions

(Since 4.4.9).

You can control statprof.ual using demand.ual and apdemand.

Include demand.ual on the Aprobe command line:

 aprobe -u statprof -u demand myapp.exe

then use apdemand to send actions:

 apdemand statprof snapshot

statprof.ual responds to the following actions:

  • statprof snapshot
  • statprof enable
  • statprof disable

Note that all actions containing the action string will be triggered.

Statprof report

The reports generated by statprof differ depending on the options you choose. The following is a sample output using the default options:

 Snapshot #1 @ 11:26:39.952, Final Snapshot
 Statistical Profiling (cell size 8) for module thisone, sorted by time:
  %Time   Seconds   Name
  ------  -------   -----------------------------------------------
   75.0    0.48     extern:"DoWork()"
   23.4    0.15     extern:"DoLessWork()"
    1.6    0.01     Other functions (not in profiled module)

Example D-9. Statprof Report

Statprof Workflow

When profiling an application using statprof.ual, the following approach may be useful:

  • run the application under load using statprof "-c" option to get an overall view;
  • run the application under load using statprof to focus on the "heaviest" shared library;
  • make corrections to the shared library; and
  • repeat the process from the first step.

For example, a simple test application with shared libraries is profiled using statprof "-c" and produces the following report:

 $ aprobe -u statprof -p "-c" ./main.exe > aprobe.out
 $ apformat main.apd 
 Snapshot #1 @ 16:43:39.429, Final Snapshot
 Coarse Statistical Profiling for shared libraries, sorted by time:
   %Time    Seconds     Name
  ------   -------   -----------------------------------------------
   95.0   38.50    libmylib2.so
    3.9    1.56    main.exe
    1.1    0.45    libmylib1.so

The report shows that libmylib2.so is the "heaviest hitter" so the test is rerun focusing on that shared library:

 $ aprobe -u statprof -p "libmylib2.so" ./main.exe > aprobe.out
 $ apformat main.apd 

 Snapshot #1 @ 16:45:44.315, Final Snapshot
 Statistical Profiling (cell size 8) for module libmylib2.so, sorted by time:
  %Time     Seconds   Name
  --------  ---------   -----------------------------------------------
   95.505    38.6700     "mylib2.c":"p1()" in "libmylib2.so"
    4.495     1.8200     Other functions (not in profiled module)

The report shows that the function "p1" is the heaviest hitter.

At this point statprof.ual is about done. The sattprof.ual probe does not indicate how many times a particular funciton is called, for eample.

There is more to profiling an application than just where time is spent. It may be that the particular code is inefficient or it may be that it is overused. To get more in-depth information you will have to switch to a the profile probe, profile.ual.

Here is a sample report form profile.ual:

  Overall program profile 
    Calls To   |              Individual Time                |
   Self  Child | Pct    Total   Average   Minimum   Maximum  |  Function Name
 ------ ------   --- --------- --------- --------- ---------   ---------------
    136      0   100 119.65829   0.87984   0.76885   1.15061   [4] p1()
    136      0     0   0.02576   0.00019   0.00003   0.02203   [5] p2()
    544    272     0   0.00078   0.00000   0.00000   0.00008   [13] mylib2_work() 
    Calls To   |               Cumulative Time               |
   Self  Child | Pct    Total    Average   Minimum   Maximum |  Function Name
 ------ ------   --- --------- --------- --------- ---------   ---------------
    544    272   100 119.68484   0.22001   0.00000   1.15069   [13] mylib2_work()
    136      0   100 119.65829   0.87984   0.76885   1.15061   [4] p1()
    136      0     0   0.02576   0.00019   0.00003   0.02203   [5] p2()