Annex C. Systems Programming - Ada 95 Rationale
The Systems Programming Annex specifies additional capabilities for low- level programming. These capabilities are also required in many real- time, embedded, distributed, and information systems.
The purpose of the Annex is to provide facilities for applications that are required to interface and interact with the outside world (i.e. outside the domain of an Ada program). Examples may be other languages, an operating system, the underlying hardware, devices and I/O channels. Since these kinds of interfaces lie outside the Ada semantic model, it is necessary to resort to low-level, environment specific programming paradigms. Such sections of the application are often implementation dependent and portability concerns are less critical. However, rigid isolation of these components helps in improving the portability of the rest of the application.
The application domains of such systems include: real-time embedded computers, I/O drivers, operating systems and run-time systems, multilingual/multicomponent systems, performance-sensitive hardware dependent applications, resource managers, user-defined schedulers, and so on. Accordingly, this annex covers the following facilities needed by such applications:
- Access to the underlying hardware (machine instructions, hardware devices, etc.);
- Access to the underlying operating or runtime system;
- Low-level, direct interrupt handling;
- Unchecked access to parts of the run-time model of the implementation;
- Specifying the representation and allocation of program data structures;
- Access to shared variables in a multitasking program;
- Access to the identity of tasks and the allocation of data on a per- task basis.
Note that implementation of this annex is a prerequisite for the implementation of the Real-Time Systems annex.
C.1 Access to Machine Operations
In systems programming and embedded applications, we need to write software that interfaces directly to hardware devices. This might be impossible if the Ada language implementation did not permit access to the full instruction set of the underlying machine. A need to access specific machine instructions arises sometimes from other considerations as well. Examples include instructions that perform compound operations atomically on shared memory, such as test-and-set and compare-and-swap, and instructions that provide high-level operations, such as translate- and-test and vector arithmetic.
It can be argued that Ada 83 already provides adequate access to machine operations, via the package Machine_Code. However, in practice, the support for this feature was optional, and some implementations support it only in a form that is inadequate for the needs of systems programming and real-time applications.
The mechanisms specified in this Annex for access to machine code are already allowed in Ada 83. The main difference is that now it is intended that the entire instruction set of a given machine should be accessible to an Ada program either via the Machine_Code package or via intrinsic subprograms (or indeed both). In addition, implementation- defined attributes ought to allow machine code to refer to the addresses or offsets of entities declared within the Ada program.
This Annex leaves most of the interface to machine code implementation defined. It is not appropriate for a language standard to specify exactly how access to machine operations must be provided, since machine instructions are inherently dependent on the machine.
We considered providing access to machine instructions only through interface to assembly language. This would not entirely satisfy the requirements, however, since it does not permit insertion of machine instructions in-line. Because the compiler cannot always perform register allocation across external subprogram calls, such calls generally require the saving and restoring of all registers. Thus, the overhead of assembly language subprogram calls is too high where the effect of a single instruction (e.g. test-and-set or direct I/O) is desired. For this, an in-line form of access is required. This requirement is satisfied by machine-code inserts or intrinsic subprograms.
To be useful, a mechanism for access to machine code must permit the flow of data and control between machine operations and the rest of the Ada program. There is not much value in being able to generate a machine code instruction if there is no way to apply it to operands in the Ada program. For example, an implementation that only permits the insertion of machine code as numeric literal data would not satisfy this requirement, since there would be no way for machine code operations to read or write the values of variables of the Ada program, or to invoke Ada procedures. However, this can be entirely satisfied by a primitive form of machine-code insertion, which allows an instruction sequence to be specified as a sequence of data values, so long as symbolic references to Ada entities are allowed in such a data sequence.
For convenience, it is desirable that certain instructions that are used frequently in systems programming, such as test-and-set and primitive I/O operations, be accessible as intrinsic subprograms, see [RM95 6.3.1]. However, it is not clear that it is practical for an implementation to provide access to all machine instructions in this form. Thus, it might be desirable to provide machine code inserts for generality, and intrinsic operations for convenient access to the more frequently needed operations.
The Pragma Export
The implementation advice concerning the pragma Export [RM95 B.1] addresses unintended interactions between compiler/linker optimizations and machine code inserts in Ada 83. A machine code insert might store an address, and later use it as a pointer or subprogram entry point - as with an interrupt handler. In general, the compiler cannot detect how the variable or subprogram address is used. When machine code is used in this way, it is the programmer's responsibility to inform the compiler about these usages, and it is the language's responsibility to specify a way for the programmer to convey this information. Without this information, the compiler or linker might perform optimizations so that the data object or subprogram code are deleted, or loads and stores referencing the object are suppressed.
In Ada 95, machine code subprograms are like external subprograms written in another language, in that they may be opaque to optimization. That is, in general, the compiler cannot determine which data objects a machine code subprogram might read or update, or to where it might transfer control. The Export pragma tells the compiler not to perform optimizations on an exported object. By requiring the user to specify as exported anything that might be modified by an external call, the compiler is provided with information that allows better optimization in the general case.
Export can also be used to ensure that the specified entity is allocated at an addressable location. For example, this might mean that a constant must actually be stored in memory, rather than only inserted in-line where used.
Interface to Assembly Language
An Ada implementation conforming to this Annex should also support interface to the traditional "systems programming language" for that target machine. This might be necessary to interface with existing code provided by the hardware vendor, such as an operating system, device drivers, or built-in-test software. We considered the possibility of requiring support for an assembler, but this has obvious problems. It is hard to state this requirement in a way that would not create enforcement problems. For example, what if there are several assemblers available for a given target, and new assemblers are developed from time to time? Which ones must an implementor support? Likewise, how hard does an implementor need to look before concluding there are no assemblers for a given target? However, we believe that stating the requirement simply as "should support interface to assembler" together with market forces will provide the appropriate direction for implementors in this area, even though compliance can not be fully defined.
Documentation Requirements
The intent of the documentation requirements is to ensure that the implementation provides enough information for the user to write machine code subprograms that interact with the rest of the Ada program. To do so effectively, the machine code subprograms ought to be able to read constants and read and update variables (including protected objects), to call subprograms, and to transfer control to labels.
The specifications for machine code are not likely to be enforceable by standard validation tests, but it should be possible to check for the existence of the required documentation and interfaces by examination of vendor supplied documentation, and to carry out spot checks with particular machine instructions.
C.2 Required Representation Support
The recommended levels of support defined in [RM95 13] are made into firm requirements if this annex is implemented because systems programming applications need to control data representations, and need to be able to count on a certain minimum level of support.
C.3 Interrupt Support
The ability to write handlers for interrupts is essential in systems programming and in real-time embedded applications.
The model of interrupts and interrupt handling specified in Ada 95 is intended to capture the common elements of most hardware interrupt schemes, as well as the software interrupt models used by some application interfaces to operating systems, notably POSIX [1003.1 90]. The specification allows an implementation to handle an interrupt efficiently by arranging for the interrupt handler to be invoked directly by the hardware. This has been a major consideration in the design of the interrupt handling mechanisms.
The reason for distinguishing treatments from handlers is that executing a handler is only one of the possible treatments. In particular, executing a handler constitutes delivery of the interrupt. The default treatment for an interrupt might be to keep the interrupt pending, or to discard it without delivery. These treatments cannot be modelled as a default handler.
The notion of blocking an interrupt is an abstraction for various mechanisms that may be used to prevent delivery of an interrupt. These include operations that "mask" off a set of interrupts, raise the hardware priority of the processor, or "disable" the processor interrupt mechanism.
On many hardware architectures it is not practical to allow a direct- execution interrupt handler to become blocked. Trying to support blocking of interrupt handlers results in extra overhead, and can also lead to deadlock or stack overflow. Therefore, interrupt handlers are not allowed to block. To enable programmers to avoid unintentional blocking in handlers, the language specifies which operations are potentially blocking, see [RM95 9.5.1].
We introduced the concept of reserved interrupts to reflect the need of the Ada run-time system to install handlers for certain interrupts, including interrupts used to implement time delays or various constraint checks. The possibility of simply making these interrupts invisible to the application was considered. This is not possible without restricting the implementation of the Interrupt_ID type. For example, if this type is an integer type and certain values within this range are reserved (as is the case with POSIX signals, for example), there is no way to prevent the application from attempting to attach a handler to one of the reserved interrupts; however, any such attempt will raise Program_Error. Besides, other (implementation-defined) uses for an interrupt-id type are anticipated for which the full range of values might be needed; if the standard interrupt-id type did not include all values, the implementation would have to declare an almost identical type for such purposes.
We also need to reserve certain interrupts for task interrupt entries. There are many ways in which implementations can support interrupt entries. The higher-level mechanisms involve some degree of interaction with the Ada run-time system. It could be disastrous if the run-time system is relying on one of these high-level delivery mechanisms to be in place, and the user installs a low-level handler. For this reason, the concept of reserved interrupt is used here also, to prevent attachment of another handler to an interrupt while an interrupt entry is still attached to it.
On some processor architectures, the priority of an interrupt is determined by the device sending the interrupt, independent of the identity of the interrupt. For this reason, we need to allow an interrupt to be generated at different priorities at different times. This can be modelled by hypothesizing several hardware tasks, at different priorities, which may all call the interrupt handler.
A consequence of direct hardware invocation of interrupt handlers is that one cannot speak meaningfully of the "currently executing task" within an interrupt handler (see [RM95 C.7.1]). The alternative, of requiring the implementation to create the illusion of an Ada task as context for the execution of the handler would add execution time overhead to interrupt handling. Since interrupts may occur very frequently, and require fast response, any such unnecessary overhead is intolerable.
For these and other reasons, care has been taken not to specify that interrupt handlers behave exactly as if they are called by a hardware "task". The language must not preclude the writing of efficient interrupt handlers, just because the hardware does not provide a reasonable way to preserve the illusion of the handler being called by a task.
The Annex leaves as implementation-defined the semantics of interrupts when more than one interrupt subsystem exists on a multi-processor target. This kind of configuration may dictate that different interrupts are delivered only to particular processors, and will require that additional rules be placed on the way handlers are attached. In essence, such a system cannot be treated completely as a homogeneous multi- processor. The means for identifying interrupt sources, and the specification of the circumstances when interrupts are blocked are therefore left open by the Annex. It is expected that these additional rules will be defined as a logical extension of the existing ones.
From within the program the form of an interrupt handler is a protected procedure. Typically we write
protected Alarm is
procedure Response;
pragma Attach_Handler(Response, Alarm_Int);
end Alarm;
protected body Alarm is
procedure Response is
... -- the interrupt handling code
end Response;
end Alarm;
where Alarm_Int identifies the physical interrupt as discussed in C.3.2.
Protected procedures have appropriate semantics for fast interrupt handlers; they are directly invoked by the hardware and share data with tasks and other interrupt handlers. Thus, once the interrupt handler begins to execute it cannot block; on the other hand while any shared data is being accessed by other threads of control, an interrupt must be blocked.
For upward compatibility, the Ada 83 interrupt entry mechanism is retained although classified as obsolescent. It has been extended slightly, as a result of the integration with the protected procedure interrupt-handling model. In addition, this Annex does not preclude implementations from defining other forms of interrupt handlers such as protected procedures with parameters. The recommendation is that such extensions will follow the model defined by this Annex.
Exceptions and Interrupt Handlers
Propagating an exception from an interrupt handler is specified to have no effect. (If interrupt handlers were truly viewed as being "called" by imaginary tasks, the propagation of an exception back to the "caller" of an interrupt handler certainly should not affect any user-defined task.)
The real question seems to be whether the implementation is required to hide the effect of an interrupt from the user, or whether it can be allowed to cause a system crash. If the implementation uses the underlying interrupt mechanism directly, i.e. by putting the address of a handler procedure into an interrupt vector location, the execution context of the handler will be just the stack frame that is generated by the hardware interrupt mechanism. If an exception is raised and not handled within the interrupt handler, the exception propagation mechanism will try to unroll the stack, beyond the handler. There needs to be some indication on the stack that it should stop at the interrupt frame, and not try to propagate beyond. Lacking this, either the exception might just be propagated back to the interrupted task (if the hardware interrupt frame structure looks enough like a normal call), or the difference in frame structures will cause a failure. The failure might be detected in the run-time system, might cause the run-time system to crash, or might result in transfer of control to an incorrect handler, thereby causing the application to run amok. The desired behavior is for the exception mechanism to recognize the handler frame as a special case, and to simply do an interrupt return. Unless the hardware happens to provide enough information in the handler frame to allow recognition, it seems an extra layer of software will be needed, i.e. a software wrapper for the user interrupt handler. (This wrapper might be provided by the compiler, or by the run-time system.)
Thus, the requirement that propagating an exception from a handler be "safe" is likely to impose some extra run-time overhead on interrupt handlers but is justified by the additional safety it provides. It is not expected that exceptions will be raised intentionally in interrupt handlers, but when an unexpected error (a bug) causes an exception to be raised, it is much better to contain the effect of this error than to allow the propagation to affect arbitrary code (including the RTS itself).
Implementation Requirements
It is not safe to write interrupt handlers without some means of reserving sufficient stack space for them to execute. Implementations will differ in whether such handlers borrow stack space from the task they interrupt, or whether they execute on a separate stack. In either case, with dynamic attachment of interrupt handlers, the application needs to inform the implementation of its maximum interrupt stack depth requirement. This could be done via a pragma or a link-time command.
Documentation Requirements
Where hardware permits an interrupt to be handled but not to be blocked (while in the handler), it might not be possible for an implementation to support the protected object locking semantics for such an interrupt. The documentation must describe any variations from the model.
For example, in many implementations, it may not be possible for an interrupted task to resume execution until the interrupt handler returns. The intention here is to allow the implementation to choose whether to run the handler on a separate stack or not. The basic issue is whether the hardware (or underlying operating system) interrupt mechanism switches stacks, or whether the handler begins execution on the stack of the interrupted task. Adding software to the handler to do stack switching (in both directions) can add significantly to the run-time overhead, and this may be unacceptable for high frequency interrupts.
Situations in which this would make a difference are rather unusual. Since the handler can interrupt, the task that it interrupts must have a lower active priority at that time. Therefore, the only situations where the interrupted task would need to resume execution before the handler returns are:
- If there is more than one processor, and the interrupted task could migrate to another available processor;
- If the handler or some higher priority task causes the priority of the interrupted task to be raised (via a call to Set_Priority); or
- If priorities are not supported.
The semantic model, when the interrupt handler uses the stack of the interrupted task, is that the handler has taken a non-preemptable processing resource (the upper part of the stack) which the interrupted task needs in order to resume execution. Note that this stack space was not in use by the interrupted task at the time it was preempted, since the stack did not yet extend that far, but it is needed by the interrupted task before it can resume execution.
C.3.1 Protected Procedure Handlers
A handler can be statically attached to an interrupt by the use of the pragma Attach_Handler as in the example above. Alternatively the connection can be made dynamic by using the pragma Interrupt_Handler together with the procedure Attach_Handler. The example might then become
protected Alarm is
procedure Response;
pragma Interrupt_Handler(Response);
end Alarm;
protected body Alarm is
procedure Response is
... -- the interrupt handling code
end Response;
end Alarm;
Attach_Handler(Alarm.Response, Alarm_Int);
Note therefore that the name Attach_Handler is used for both the pragma and for the procedure.
The procedure form is needed to satisfy the requirement for dynamic attachment. The pragma form is provided to permit attachment earlier, during initialization of objects, or possibly at program load time. Another advantage of the pragma form is that it permits association of a handler attachment with a lexical scope, ensuring that it is detached on scope exit. Note that while the protected type is required to be a library level declaration, the protected object itself may be declared in a deeper level.
Under certain conditions, implementations can preelaborate protected objects, see [RM95 10.2.1] and [RM95 C.4]. For such implementations, the Attach_Handler pragma provides a way to establish interrupt handlers truly statically, at program load time.
The Attach_Handler and Interrupt_Handler pragmas specify a protected procedure as one that is or may be used as an interrupt handler and (in the latter case) be attached dynamically. This has three purposes:
- It informs the compiler that it might need to generate code for a protected procedure that can be invoked directly by the hardware interrupt mechanism, and to generate appropriate calls to procedures contained in such an object if they are called from software.
- It allows the implementation to allocate enough space for the corresponding protected object to store the interrupt-id to which the handler is attached. (This might be needed on some implementations in order to mask that interrupt when operations on the protected object are called from software.)
- It serves as important documentation about the protected object.
In general, the hardware mechanism might require different code generation than for procedures called from software. For example, a different return instruction might be used. Also, the hardware mechanism may implicitly block and unblock interrupts, whereas a software call may require this to be done explicitly. For a procedure that can be called from hardware or software, the compiler generally must choose between:
- Compiling the procedure in the form for hardware invocation and adding some sort of glue-code when it is called via software;
- Compiling the procedure in the form for software invocation, and call it indirectly, from an extra layer of interrupt handler, when a hardware interrupt occurs.
Because code generation is involved, the pragma is associated with the protected type declaration, rather than with a particular protected object.
The restrictions on protected procedures should be sufficient to eliminate the need for an implementation to place any further restrictions on the form or content of an interrupt handler. Ordinarily, there should be no need for implementation-defined restrictions on protected procedure interrupt handlers, such as those imposed by Ada 83 on tasks with fast interrupt handler entries. However, such restrictions are permitted, in case they turn out to be needed by implementations.
This Annex requires only that an implementation support parameterless procedures as handlers. In fact, some hardware interrupts do provide information about the cause of the interrupt and the state of the processor at the time of the interrupt. Such information is also provided by operating systems that support software interrupts. The specifics of such interrupt parameters are necessarily dependent on the execution environment, and so are not suitable for standardization. Where appropriate, implementation-defined child packages of Ada.Interrupts should provide services for such interrupt handlers, analogous to those defined for parameterless protected procedures in the package Ada.Interrupts itself.
Note that only procedures of library-level protected objects are allowed as dynamic handlers. This is because the execution context of such procedures persists for the full lifetime of the partition. If local procedures were allowed to be handlers, some extra prologue code would need to be added to the procedure, to set up the correct execution environment. To avoid problems with dangling references, the attachment would need to be broken on scope exit. This does not seem practical for the handlers that might be attached and detached via a procedure interface. On the other hand, it could be practical for handlers that are attached via a pragma. Some implementations may choose to allow local procedures to be used as handlers with the Attach_Handler pragma.
For some environments, it may be appropriate to also allow ordinary subprograms to serve as interrupt handlers; an implementation may support this, but the mechanism is not specified. Protected procedures are the preferred mechanism because of the better semantic fit in the general case. However, there are some situations where the fit might not be so good. In particular, if the handler does not access shared data in a manner that requires the interrupt to be blocked, or if the hardware does not support blocking of the interrupt, the protected object model may not be appropriate. Also, if the handler procedure needs to be written in another language, it may not be practical to use a protected procedure.
Issues Related to Ceiling Priorities
With priority-ceiling locking, it is important to specify the active priority of the task that "calls" the handler, since it determines the ability of the interrupt to preempt whatever is executing at the time. It is also relevant to the user, since the user must specify the ceiling priority of the handler object to be at least this high, or else the program will be erroneous (might crash).
Normally, a task has its active priority raised when it calls a protected operation with a higher ceiling than the task's own active priority. The intent is that execution of protected procedures as interrupt handlers be consistent with this model. The ability of the interrupt handler "call" from the hardware to preempt an executing task is determined by the hardware interrupt priority. In this respect, the effect is similar to a call from a task whose active priority is at the level of the hardware interrupt priority. Once the handler begins to execute, its active priority is set to the ceiling priority of the protected object. For example, if a protected procedure of an object whose ceiling priority is 5 is attached as a handler to an interrupt of priority 3, and the interrupt occurs when a task of priority 4 runs, the interrupt will remain pending until there is no task executing with active priority higher than or equal to 3. At that point, the interrupt will be serviced. Once the handler starts executing, it will raise its active priority to 5.
It is impractical to specify that the hardware must perform a run-time check before calling an interrupt handler, in order to verify that the ceiling priority of the protected object is not lower than that of the hardware interrupt. This means that checks must either be done at compile-time, at the time the handler is attached, or by the handler itself.
The potential for compile-time checking is limited, since dynamic attachment of handlers is allowed and the priority can itself be dynamic; all that can be done is to verify that the handler ceiling is specified via the Interrupt_Priority pragma thus
protected Alarm is
pragma Interrupt_Priority(N);
procedure Response;
pragma Interrupt_Handler(Response);
end Alarm;
Doing the check when the handler is attached is also limited on some systems. For example, with some architectures, different occurrences of the same interrupt may be delivered at different hardware priorities. In this case, the maximum priority at which an interrupt might be delivered is determined by the peripheral hardware rather than the processor architecture. An implementation that chooses to provide attach-time ceiling checks for such an architecture could either assume the worst (i.e. that all interrupts can be delivered at the maximum priority) or make the maximum priority at which each interrupt can be delivered a configuration parameter.
A last-resort method of checking for ceiling violations is for the handler to start by comparing its own ceiling against the active priority of the task it interrupted. Presumably, if a ceiling violation were detected, the interrupt could be ignored or the entire program could be aborted. Providing the run-time check means inserting a layer of "wrapper" code around the user-provided handler, to perform the check. Executing this code will add to the execution time of the handler, for every execution. This could be significant if the interrupt occurs with high frequency.
Because of the difficulty of guaranteeing against ceiling violations by handlers on all architectures, and the potential loss of efficiency, an implementation is not required to detect situations where the hardware interrupt mechanism violates a protected object ceiling. Incorrect ceiling specification for an interrupt handler is "erroneous" programming, rather than a bounded error, since it might be impractical to prevent this from crashing the Ada RTS without actually performing the ceiling check. For example, the handler might interrupt a protected action while an entry queue is being modified. The epilogue code of the handler could then try to use the entry queue. It is hard to predict how bad this could be, or whether this is the worst thing that could happen. At best, the effect might be limited to loss of entry calls and corresponding indefinite blocking of the calling tasks.
Since the priorities of the interrupt sources are usually known a priori and are an important design parameter, it seems that they are not likely to vary a lot and create problems after the initial debugging of the system. Simple coding conventions can also help in preventing such cases.
Non-Suspending Locks
With interrupt handlers, it is important to implement protected object locking without suspension. Two basic techniques can be applied. One of these provides mutual exclusion between tasks executing on a single processor. The other provides mutual exclusion between tasks executing on different processors, with shared memory. The minimal requirement for locking in shared memory is to use some form of spin-wait on a word representing the protected object lock. Other, more elaborate schemes are allowed (such as priority-based algorithms, or algorithms that minimize bus contention).
Within a single processor, a non-suspending implementation of protected object locking can be provided by limiting preemption. The basic prerequisite is that while a protected object is locked, other tasks that might lock that protected object are not allowed to preempt. This imposes a constraint on the dispatching policy, which can be modelled abstractly in terms of locking sets. The locking set of a protected object is the set of tasks and protected operations that might execute protected operations on that object, directly or indirectly. More precisely, the locking set of a protected object R includes:
- Tasks that call protected operations of R directly.
- Protected procedures and entries whose bodies call a protected operation of R.
- The locking set of Q, if Q is a protected object with a procedure or entry whose body contains a call to an operation (including a requeue) in the locking set of R.
While a protected object is held locked by a task or interrupt handler, the implementation must prevent the other tasks and interrupt handlers in the locking set from executing on the same processor. This can be enforced conservatively, by preventing a larger set of tasks and interrupt handlers from executing. At one extreme, it may be enforced by blocking all interrupts, and disabling the dispatching of any other task. The priority-ceiling locking scheme described in [RM95 D.3] approximates the locking set a little less conservatively, by locking out all tasks and interrupt handlers with lower or equal priority to the one that is holding the protected object lock.
The above technique (for a single processor) can be combined with the spin-wait approach on a multiprocessor. The spinning task raises its priority to the ceiling or mask interrupts before it tries to grab the lock, so that it will not be preempted after grabbing the lock (while still being in the "wrong" priority).
The interrupt handler overhead metric is provided so that a programmer can determine whether a given implementation can be used for a particular application. There is clearly imprecision in the definition of such a metric. The measurements involved require the use of a hardware test instrument, such as a logic analyzer; the inclusion of instructions to trigger such a device might alter the execution times slightly. The validity of the test depends on the choice of reference code sequence and handler procedure. It also relies on the fact that a compiler will not attempt in-line optimization of normal procedure calls to a protected procedure that is attached as an interrupt handler. However, there is no requirement for the measurement to be absolutely precise. The user can always obtain more precise information by carrying out specific testing. The purpose of the metric here is to allow the user to determine whether the implementation is close enough to the requirements of the application to be worth considering. For this purpose, the accuracy of a metric could be off by a factor of two and still be useful.
C.3.2 The Package Interrupts
The operations defined in the package Ada.Interrupts are intended to be a minimum set needed to associate handlers with interrupts. The type Interrupt_ID is implementation defined to allow the most natural choice of the type for the underlying computer architecture. It is not required to be private, so that if the architecture permits it to be an integer, a non-portable application may take advantage of this information to construct arrays and loops indexed by Interrupt_ID. It is, however, required to be a discrete type so that values of the type Interrupt_ID can be used as discriminants of task and protected types. This capability is considered necessary to allow a single protected or task type to be used as handler for several interrupts thus
Device_Priority: constant array (1 .. 5) of Interrupt_Priority :=
( ... );
protected type Device_Interface(Int_ID: Interrupt_ID) is
procedure Handler;
pragma Attach_Handler(Handler, Int_ID);
pragma Interrupt_Priority(Device_Priority(Int_ID));
end Device_Interface;
Device_1_Driver: Device_Interface(1);
Device_5_Driver: Device_Interface(5);
Some interrupts may originate from more than one device, so an interrupt handler may need to perform additional tests to decide which device the interrupt came from. For example, there might be several timers that all generate the same interrupt (and one of these timers might be used by the Ada run-time system to implement delays). In such a case, the implementation may define multiple logical interrupt-id's for each such physical interrupt.
The atomic operation Exchange_Handler is provided to attach a handler to an interrupt and return the previous handler of that interrupt. In principle, this functionality might also be obtained by the user through a protected procedure that locks out interrupts and then calls Current_Handler and Attach_Handler. However, support for priority- ceiling locking of protected objects is not required. Moreover, an exchange-handler operation is already provided in atomic form by some operating systems (e.g. POSIX). In these cases, attempting to achieve the same effect via the use of a protected procedure would be inefficient, if feasible at all.
The value returned by Current_Handler and Exchange_Handler in the case that the default interrupt treatment is in force is left implementation- defined. It is guaranteed however that using this value for Attach_Handler and Exchange_Handler will restore the default treatment. The possibility of simply requiring the value to be null in this case was considered but was believed to be an over-specification and to introduce an additional overhead for checking this special value on each operation.
Operations for blocking and unblocking interrupts are intentionally not provided. One reason is that the priority model provides a way to lock out interrupts, using either the ceiling-priority of a protected object or the Set_Priority operation (see [RM95 D.5]). Providing any other mechanism here would raise problems of interactions and conflicts with the priority model. Another reason is that the capabilities for blocking interrupts differ enough from one machine to another that any more specific control over interrupts would not be applicable to all machines.
In Ada 83, interrupt entries are attached to interrupts using values of the type System.Address. In Ada 95, protected procedures are attached as handlers using values of Interrupt_ID. Changing the rules for interrupt entries was not considered feasible as it would introduce upward-incompatibilities, and would require support of the Interrupts package by all implementations. To resolve the problem of two different ways to map interrupts to Ada types, the Reference function is provided. This function is intended to provide a portable way to convert a value of the type Interrupt_ID to a value of type System.Address that can be used in a representation clause to attach an interrupt entry to an interrupt source.
- The Interrupts.Names Package
- The names of interrupts are segregated into the child package Interrupts.Names, because these names will be implementation-defined. In this way, a use clause for package Interrupts will not hide any user- defined names.
C.3.3 Task Entries as Handlers
Attaching task entries to interrupts is specified as an obsolescent feature (see [RM95 J.7.1]). This is because support of this feature in Ada 83 was never required and important semantic details were not given. Requiring every implementation to support attaching both protected procedures and task entries to interrupts was considered to be an unnecessarily heavy burden. Also, with entries the implementation must choose between supporting the full semantics of rendezvous for interrupts (with more implementation overhead than protected procedures) versus imposing restrictions on the form of handler tasks (which will be implementation-dependent and subtle). The possibility of imposing standard restrictions, such as those on protected types, was considered. It was rejected on the grounds that it would not be upward compatible with existing implementations of interrupt entries (which are diverse in this respect). Therefore, if only one form of handler is to be supported, it should be protected procedures.
As compared to Ada 83, the specifications for interrupt entries are changed slightly. First, the implementation is explicitly permitted to impose restrictions on the form of the interrupt handler task, and on calls to the interrupt entry from software tasks. This affirms the existing practice of language implementations which support high- performance direct-execution interrupt entries. Second, the dynamic attachment of different handlers to the same interrupt, sequentially, is explicitly allowed. That is, when an interrupt handler task terminates and is finalized, the attachment of the interrupt entry to the interrupt is broken. The interrupt again becomes eligible for attachment. This is consistent with the dynamic attachment model for protected procedures as interrupt handlers, and is also consistent with a liberal reading of the Ada 83 standard. Finally, in anticipation of Ada 95 applications that use protected procedures as handlers together with existing Ada 83 code that uses interrupt entries, interrupts that are attached to entries, are specified as reserved, and so effectively removed from the set of interrupts available for attachment to protected procedures. This separation can therefore eliminate accidental conflicts in the use of values of the Interrupt_ID type.
C.4 Preelaboration Requirements
The primary systems programming and real-time systems requirement addressed by preelaboration is the fast starting (and possibly restarting) of programs. Preelaboration also provides a way to possibly reduce the run-time memory requirement of programs, by removing some of the elaboration code. This section is in the Systems Programming Annex (rather than the Real-Time Annex) because the functionality is not limited to real-time applications. It is also required to support distribution.
Rejected Approaches
There is a spectrum of techniques that can be used to reduce or eliminate elaboration code. One possible technique is to run the entire program up to a certain point, then take a snap-shot of the memory image, which is copied out and transformed into a file that can be reloaded. Program start-up would then consist of loading this check-point file and resuming execution. This "core-dump" approach is suitable for some applications and it does not require special support from the language. However, it is not really what has been known as preelaboration, nor does it address all the associated requirements.
The core-dump approach to accelerating program start-up suffers from several defects. It is error-prone and awkward to use or maintain. It requires the entire active writable memory of the application to be dumped. This can take a large amount of storage, and a proportionately long load time. It is also troublesome to apply this technique to constant tables that are to be mapped to read-only memory; if the compiler generates elaboration code to initialize such tables, writable memory must be provided in the development target during the elaboration, and replaced by read-only memory after the core-dump has been produced; the core-dump must then be edited to separate out the portions that need to be programmed into read-only memory from those that are loaded in the normal way. This technique presumes the existence of an external reload device, which might not be available on smaller real-time embedded systems. Finally, effective use of this method requires very precise control over elaboration order to ensure that the desired packages, and only those packages, are elaborated prior to the core-dump. Since this order often includes implementation packages, it is not clear that the user can fully control this order.
The Chosen Approach
Preelaboration is controlled by the two pragmas Pure and Preelaborate as mentioned in 10.3. Many predefined packages are Pure such as
package Ada.Characters is
pragma Pure(Characters);
end Ada.Characters;
The introduction of pure packages together with shared passive and remote call interface packages (see [RM95 E.2]) for distribution, created the need to talk about packages whose elaboration happens "before any other elaboration". To accommodate this, the concept of a preelaborable construct is introduced in [RM95 10.2.1]. (Preelaborability is naturally the property of an entity which allows it to be preelaborated.) Pure packages are always preelaborated, as well as packages to which the pragma Preelaborate specifically applies such as
package Ada.Characters.Handling is
pragma Preelaborate(Handling);
The difference between pure packages and any other preelaborated package is that the latter may have "state". In the core, being preelaborated does not necessarily mean "no code is generated for preelaboration", it only means that these library units are preelaborated before any other unit.
The Systems Programming Annex defines additional implementation and documentation requirements to ensure that the elaboration of preelaborated packages does not execute any code at all.
Issues Related to Preelaboration
Given this approach, some trade-offs had to be made between the generality of constructs to which this requirement applies, the degree of reduction in run-time elaboration code, the complexity of the compiler, and the degree to which the concerns of the run-time system can be separated from those of the compiler.
Bodies of subprograms that are declared in preelaborated packages are guaranteed to be elaborated before they can be called. Therefore, implementations are required to suppress the elaboration checks for such subprograms. This eliminates a source of a distributed overhead that has been an issue in Ada 83.
Tasks, as well as allocators for other than access-to-constant types, are not included among the things specified as preelaborable, because the initialization of run-time system data structures for tasks and the dynamic allocation of storage for general access types would ordinarily require code to be executed at run time. While it might be technically possible to preelaborate tasks and general allocators under sufficiently restrictive conditions, this is considered too difficult to be required of every implementation and would make the compiler very dependent on details of the run-time system. The latter is generally considered to be undesirable by real-time systems developers, who often express the need to customize the Ada run-time environment. It is also considered undesirable by compiler vendors, since it aggravates their configuration management and maintenance problem. (Partial preelaboration of tasks might be more practical for the simple tasking model, described in [RM95 D.7].)
Entryless protected objects are preelaborable and are essential for shared passive packages. They are therefore allowed in preelaborated packages. The initialization of run time data structures might require run-time system calls in some implementations. In particular, where protected object locking is implemented using primitives of an operating system, it might be necessary to perform a system call to create and initialize a lock for the protected object. On such systems, the system call for lock initialization could be postponed until the first operation that is performed on the protected object, but this means some overhead on every protected object operation (perhaps a load, compare, and conditional jump, or an indirect call from a dispatching table). It seems that this kind of distributed overhead on operations that are intended to be very efficient is too high a price to pay for requiring preelaboration of protected objects. These implementations can conform to the requirements in this Annex by doing all initializations "behind- the-scene" before the program actually starts. On most other systems, it is expected that protected objects will be allocated and initialized statically and thus be elaborated when the program starts. Thus, the difference between these two cases is not semantic, and can be left to metrics and documentation requirements.
Objects in shared memory may be used to communicate data between Ada tasks, between an Ada program and concurrent non-Ada software processes, or between an Ada program and hardware devices.
Ada 83 provided a limited facility for supporting variables shared between otherwise unsynchronized tasks. The pragma Shared indicated that a particular elementary object is being concurrently manipulated by two or more tasks, and that all loads and stores should be indivisible. The pragma Shared was quite weak. The semantics were only defined in terms of tasks, and not very clearly. This made it inadequate for communication with non-Ada software or hardware devices. Moreover, it could be applied only to a limited set of objects. For example, it could not be applied to a component of an array. One of the most common requirements for shared data access is for buffers, which are typically implemented as arrays. For these reasons, the pragma Shared was removed from the language and replaced by the pragmas Atomic and Volatile.
This Annex thus generalizes the capability to allow data sharing between non-Ada programs and hardware devices, and the sharing of composite objects. In fact, two levels of sharability are introduced:
- atomic This indicates that all loads and stores of the object should be indivisible, and that no local copies of the object may be retained. It need only be supported for types where the underlying hardware memory access allows indivisible load and store operations. This imposes requirements on both the size and the alignment of the object.
- volatile This indicates that the object can be updated asynchronously.
However, there is no need for indivisible load and store.
So we can write
type Data is new Long_Float;
pragma Atomic(Data); -- applying to a type
I: Integer;
pragma Volatile(I); -- applying to a single object
Atomic types and objects are implicitly volatile as well. This is because it would make little sense to have an operation applied to an atomic object while allowing the object itself not to be flushed to memory immediately afterwards.
Since the atomicity of an object might affect its layout, it is illegal to explicitly specify other aspects of the object layout in a conflicting manner.
These pragmas may be applied to a constant, but only if the constant is imported. In Ada, the constant designation does not necessarily mean that the object's value cannot change, but rather that it is read-only. Therefore, it seems useful to allow an object to be read-only, while its value changes from the "outside". The rules about volatile objects ensure that the Ada code will read a fresh value each time.
The run-time semantics of atomic/volatile objects are defined in terms of external effects since this is the only way one can talk formally about objects being flushed to or refreshed from memory (as is required to support such objects).
When using such pragmas, one would not want to have the effect of the pragma more general than is minimally needed (this avoids the unnecessary overhead of atomic or load/store operations). That is why separate forms of the pragmas exist for arrays. Writing
Buffer: array (1 .. Max) of Integer;
pragma Atomic_Components(Buffer);
indicates that the atomicity applies individually to each component of the array but not to the array Buffer as a whole.
These pragmas must provide all the necessary information for the compiler to generate the appropriate code each time atomic or volatile objects are accessed. This is why the indication is usually on the type declaration rather than on the object declaration itself. For a stand- alone object there is no problem for the designation to be per-object, but for an array object whose components are atomic or volatile complications would arise. Specifying array components as atomic or volatile is likely to have implications on the layout of the array objects (e.g. components have to be on word boundaries). In addition, if the type of a formal parameter does not have volatile components and the actual parameter does, one would have to pass the parameter by copy, which is generally undesirable. Anonymous array types (as in the example above) do not present this problem since they cannot be passed as parameters directly; explicit conversion is always required, and it is not unreasonable to presume that a copy is involved in an explicit conversion.
The rules for parameter passing distinguish among several cases according to the type; some must be passed by copy, some must be passed by reference and in some cases either is permitted. The last possibility presents a problem for atomic and volatile parameters. To solve this, the rules in this section make them by reference if the parameter (or a component) is atomic or volatile. Moreover, if the actual is atomic or volatile and the formal is not then the parameter is always passed by copy; this may require a local copy of the actual to be made at the site of the call.
The following example shows the use of these pragmas on the components of a record for doing memory-mapped I/O
type IO_Rec_Type is
Start_Address: System.Address;
pragma Volatile(Start_Address);
Length: Integer;
pragma Volatile(Length);
Operation: Operation_Type;
pragma Atomic(Operation);
Reset: Boolean;
pragma Atomic(Reset);
end record;
-- A store into the Operation field triggers an I/O operation.
-- Reading the Reset field terminates the current operation.
IO_Rec: IO_Rec_Type;
for IO_Rec'Address use ... ;
By using the pragmas to indicate the sharability of data, the semantics of reading and writing components can be controlled. By declaring Operation and Reset to be atomic, the user ensures that reads and writes of these fields are not removed by optimization, and are performed indivisibly. By declaring Start_Address and Length to be volatile, the user forces any store to happen immediately, without the use of local copies.
Other Alternatives
Another concept considered was a subtype modifier which would appear in a subtype indication, an object declaration, or parameter specification. However, for simplicity, pragmas were chosen instead.
Other possibilities included an "independent" indication. This would mark the object as being used to communicate between synchronized tasks. Furthermore, the object should be allocated in storage so that loads and stores to it may be performed independently of neighboring objects. Since in Ada 83, all objects were implicitly assumed as independent, such a change would have created upward-compatibility problems. For this reason, and for the sake of simplicity, this feature was rejected.
C.6 Task Identification and Attributes
In order to permit the user to define task scheduling algorithms and to write server tasks that accept requests in an order different from entry service order, it is necessary to introduce a type which identifies a general task (not just of a particular task type) plus some basic operations. This Task_ID type is used also by other language-defined packages to operate on task objects such as Dynamic_Priorities and Asynchronous_Task_Control. In addition, a common need is to be able to associate user-defined properties with all tasks on a per-task basis; this is done through task attributes.
C.6.1 The Package Task_Identification
The Task_ID type allows the user to refer to task objects using a copyable type. This is often necessary when one wants to build tables of tasks with associated information. Using access-to-task types is not always suitable since there is no way to define an access-to-any-task type. Task types differ mostly in the entry declarations. The common use of task-id's does not require this entry information, since no rendezvous is performed using objects of Task_ID. Instead, the more generic information about the object as being a task is all that is needed. Several constructs are provided to create objects of the Task_ID type. These are the Current_Task function to query the task-id of the currently executing task; the Caller attribute for the task-id of entry callers; and the Identity attribute for the task-id of any task object. It is believed that together these mechanisms provide the necessary functionality for obtaining task-id values in various circumstances. In addition, the package provides various rudimentary operations on the Task_ID type.
Thus using the example from 9.6, the user might write
Joes_ID: Task_ID := Joe'Identity;
Set_Priority(Urgent, Joes_ID); -- see D.5
Abort_Task(Joes_ID); -- same as abort Joe;
Another use might be for remembering a caller in one rendezvous and then recognizing the caller again in a later rendezvous, thus
task body Some_Service is
Last_Caller: Task_ID;
accept Hello do
Last_Caller := Hello'Caller;
end Hello;
accept Goodbye do
if Last_Caller /= Goodbye'Caller then
raise Go_Away; -- propagate exception to caller
end if;
when Go_Away => null;
end Goodbye;
end Some_Service;
Since objects of Task_ID no longer have the corresponding type and scope information, the possibility for dangling references exist (since Task_ID objects are nonlimited, the value of such an object might contain a task-id of a task that no longer exists). This is particularly so since a server is likely to be at a library level, while the managed tasks might be at a deeper level with a shorter life-time. Operating on such values (here and in other language-defined packages) is defined to be erroneous. Originally, the possibility of requiring scope checking on these values was considered. Such a requirement would impose certain execution overhead on operations and space overhead on the objects of such a type. Since this capability is mainly designed for low-level programming, such an overhead was considered unacceptable. (Note, however, that nothing prevents an implementation from implementing a Task_ID as a record object containing a generation number and thereby providing a higher degree of integrity.)
The Task_ID type is defined as private to promote portability and to allow for flexibility of implementation (such as with a high degree of integrity). The possibility of having a visible (implementation-defined) type was considered. The main reason for this was to allow values of the type to be used as indices in user-defined arrays or as discriminants. To make this usable, the type would have to be discrete. However a discrete type would not allow for schemes that use generation numbers (some sort of a record structure would then be required as mentioned above). A visible type would also reduce portability. So, in the end, a private type approach was chosen. As always, implementations can provide a child package to add hashing functions on Task_ID values, if indexing seems to be an important capability.
Other Alternatives
In an earlier version of Ada 9X, the Task_ID type was defined as the root type of the task class. Since that class was limited, a language-defined access type was also defined to accommodate the need for a copyable type. This definition relied on the existence of untagged class types which were later removed from the language. The approach provided a nice encapsulation of the natural properties of such a type. The general rules of derivations and scope checking could then be fitted directly into the needs of the Task_ID type. Since the underlying model no longer exists, the simpler and more direct approach of a private type with specialized semantics and operation, was adopted.
Another possibility that was considered was to define a special, language-defined, access-to-task type which, unlike other access types, would be required to hold enough information to ensure safe access to dereferenced task objects. This type could then be used as the task-id. Values of such a type would necessarily be larger. This was rejected on the grounds that supporting this special access type in the compiler would be more burdensome to implementations.
Obtaining the Task Identity
The Current_Task function is needed in order to obtain the identity of the currently executing task when the name of this task is not known from the context alone; for example when the identity of the environment task is needed or in general service routines that are used by many different tasks.
There are two situations in which it is not meaningful to speak of the "currently executing task". One is within an interrupt handler, which may be invoked directly by the hardware. The other is within an entry body, which may be executed by one task on behalf of a call from another task (the Caller attribute may be used in the latter case, instead). For efficiency, the implementation is not required to preserve the illusion of there being an interrupt handler task, or of each execution of an entry body being done by the task that makes the call. Instead, calling Current_Task in these situations is defined to be a bounded error.
The values that may be returned if the error is not detected are based on the assumption that the implementation ordinarily keeps track of the currently executing task, but might not take the time to update this information when an interrupt handler is invoked or a task executes an entry body on behalf of a call from another task. In this model, the value returned by Current_Task would identify the last value of "current task" recorded by the implementation. In the case of an interrupt handler, this might be the task that the interrupt handler preempted, or an implementation task that executes when the processor would otherwise be idle.
If Current_Task could return a value that identifies an implementation task, it might be unsafe to allow a user to abort it or change its priority. However, the likelihood of this occurring is too small to justify checking, especially in an implementation that is sufficiently concerned with efficiency not to have caught the error in the first place. The documentation requirements provide a way for the user to find out whether this possibility exists.
Conversion from an object of any task type to a Task_ID is provided by the Identity attribute. This conversion is always safe. Support for conversion in the opposite direction is intentionally omitted. Such a conversion is rarely useful since Task_ID is normally used when the specific type of the task object is not known, and would be extremely error-prone; (a value of one task type could then be used as another type with all the dangerous consequences of different entries and masters).
Caller and Identity are defined as attributes and not as functions. For Caller, an attribute allows for an easier compile-time detection of an incorrect placement of the construct. For Identity, a function would require a formal parameter of a universal task type which does not exist.
The Caller attribute is allowed to apply to enclosing accept bodies (not necessarily the innermost one) since it seems quite useful without introducing additional run-time overhead.
Documentation Requirements
In some implementations, the result of calling Current_Task from an interrupt handler might be meaningful. Non-portable applications may be able to make use of this information.
C.6.2 The Package Task_Attributes
The ability to have data for which there is a copy for each task in the system is useful for providing various general services. This was provided for example in RTL/2 [Barnes 76] as SVC data.
For Ada 95, several alternatives were considered for the association of user-defined information with each task in a program.
The approach which was finally selected is to have a language-defined generic package whose formal type is the type of an attribute object. This mechanism allows for multiple attributes to be associated with a task using the associated Task_ID. These attributes may be dynamically defined, but they cannot be "destroyed". A new attribute is created through instantiation of the generic package.
Thus if we wished to associate some integer token with every task in a program we could write
package Token is
new Ada.Task_Attributes(Attribute => Integer, Initial_Value => 0);
and then give the task Joe its particular token by
Token.Set_Value(99, Joes_ID);
Note that the various operations refer to the current task by default, so that
sets the token of the task currently executing the statement.
After being defined, an object of that attribute exists for each current and newly created task and will be initialized with a user- provided value. Internally the hidden object will typically be derived from the type Finalization.Controlled so that finalization of the attribute objects can be performed. When a task terminates, all of its attribute objects are finalized. Note that the attribute objects themselves are allocated in the RTS space, and are not directly accessible by the user program. This avoids problems with dangling references. Since the object is not in user space, it cannot live longer than the task that has it as an attribute. Similarly, this object cannot be deallocated or finalized while the run-time system data structures still point to it.
Obviously, other unrelated user objects might still contain references to attribute objects after they have gone (as part of task termination). This can only happen when one dereferences the access value returned by the Reference function since the other operations return (or store) a copy of the attribute. Such dereference (after the corresponding task has terminated) is therefore defined as erroneous. Note that one does not have to wait until a master is left for this situation to arise; referencing an attribute of a terminated task is equally problematic. In general, the Reference function is intended to be used "locally" by the task owning the attribute. When the actual attribute object is large, it is sometimes useful to avoid the frequent copying of its value; instead a pointer to the object is obtained and the data is read or written in the user code. When the Reference function is used for tasks other then the calling task, the safe practice should be to ensure, by other means, that the corresponding task is not yet terminated.
The generic package Task_Attributes can be instantiated locally in a scope deeper than the library level. The effect of such an instantiation is to define a new attribute (for all tasks) for the lifetime of that scope. When the scope is left, the corresponding attribute no longer exists and cannot be referenced anymore. An implementation may therefore deallocate all such attribute objects when that scope is left.
For the implementation of this feature, several options exist. The simplest approach is of a single pointer in the task control block (TCB) to a table containing pointers to the actual attributes, which in turn are allocated from a heap. This table can be preallocated with some initial size. When new attributes are added and the table space is exhausted, a larger one can be allocated with the contents of the old one being copied to the new one. The index of this table can serve as the attribute-id. Each instantiated attribute will have its own data structure (one per partition, not per task), which will contain some type information (for finalization) and the initial value. The attribute-id in the TCB can then point to this attribute type information. Instead of having this level of indirection, the pointer in the TCB can point to a linked list of attributes which then can be dynamically extended or shrunk. Several optimizations on this general scheme are possible. One can preallocate the initial table in the TCB itself, or store in it a fixed number of single-word attributes (presumably, a common case). Since implementations are allowed to place restrictions on the maximum number of attributes and their sizes, static allocation of attribute space is possible, when the application demands more deterministic behavior at run time. Finally, attributes that have not been set yet, or have been reinitialized, do not have to occupy space at all. A flag indicating this state is sufficient for the Value routine to retrieve the initial value from the attribute type area instead of requiring per-task replication of the same value.
Other Approaches
A number of other approaches were considered. One was the idea of a per- task data area. Library-level packages could have been characterized by a pragma as Per_Task, meaning that a fresh copy of the data area of such a package would be available for each newly created task.
Several problems existed with this approach. These problems related to both the implementation and the usability aspects. A task could only access its own data, not the data of any other task. There were also serious problems concerning which packages actually constituted the per- task area.
Another approach considered was a singe attribute per task. Operations to set and retrieve the attribute value of any task were included in addition to finalization rules for when the task terminates. This approach was quite attractive. It was simple to understand and could be implemented with minimal overhead. Larger data structures could be defined by the user and anchored at the single pointer attribute. Operations on these attributes were defined as atomic to avoid race conditions. But the biggest disadvantage of this approach, which eventually led to its rejection, was that such a mechanism does not compose very well and is thus difficult to use in the general case.
C.7 Requirements Summary
The requirements
- R6.3-A(1) - Interrupt Servicing
- R6.3-A(2) - Interrupt Binding
are met by the pragmas Interrupt_Handler and Attach_Handler plus the package Ada.Interrupts.
The requirement
- R7.1-A(1) - Control of Shared Memory
is met by the pragmas Atomic and Volatile discussed in C.5.
Laurent Guerby Ada 95 Rationale