References - Ada 95 Rationale
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[1003.1 90] The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language]. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1990 [1003.4 93] The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: Amendment 1: Realtime Extensions [C Language]. POSIX P1003.4/D14. March, 1993. [1003.4a 93] The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: Amendment 2: Threads Extensions [C Language]. POSIX P1003.4a/D7. April, 1993. [1003.5 92] The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. POSIX Ada Language Interfaces, Part 1 Binding for System Application Program Interface (API). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1992. [AARM] Annotated Ada 95 Reference Manual, Version 6.0. Intermetrics Inc, 1995. [Abadi 91] M. Abadi, L. Cardelli, B. Pierce, and G. Plotkin. "Dynamic Typing in a Statically Typed Language". Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 13(2), April 1991. [ANSI 83] Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language. ANSI/MIL-Std-1815a edition, 1983. [Archinoff 90] G. H. Archinoff, R. J. Hohendorf, A. Wassyng, B. Quigley and M. R. Borsch. "Verification of the Shutdown System Software at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station". In International Conference on Control & Instrumentation in Nuclear Installations. May, 1990. Glasgow. [Atkinson 88] C. Atkinson, T. Moreton, and A. Natali (editors). Ada for Distributed Systems. The Ada Companion Series, Cambridge University Press, 1988. [Austin 91] S. M. Austin, D. R. Wilkins, and B. A. Wichmann. "An Ada Test Generator". In Tri-Ada 1991 Proceedings, ACM SIGAda, 1991 [Baker 89] T. Baker. "Time Issues Working Group". In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues, pages 119-135. 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[ISO 94a] International Standards Organization. Generic Package of Elementary Functions for Ada. ISO-IEC/JTC 1 11430:1994. [ISO 94b] International Standards Organization. Generic Package of Primitive Functions for Ada. ISO-IEC/JTC 1 11729:1994. [ISO 95] International Standards Organization. Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language. ISO/8652-1995, 1995. [ISO WG9 93] AI 00866/03, The Latin-1 character set is used in source code and literals. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 WG9 Ada, June, 1993. [ITSEC 91] Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria. Version 1.2 edition, Provisional Harmonised Criteria, 1991. UK contact point: CESG Room 2/0805, Fiddlers Green Lane, Cheltenham, Glos, GL52 5AJ. [Kahan 87] W. Kahan. "Branch Cuts for Complex Elementary Functions, or Much Ado About Nothing's Sign Bit". In The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis. Clarendon Press, 1987, Chapter 7 [Kahan 91] W. Kahan and J. W. Thomas. Augmenting a Programming Language with Complex Arithmetic. 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Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1992. [Rex 88] MALPAS User Guide Release 4.1, RTP/4009/UG, Issue 3 edition, Rex, Thompson and Partners Ltd., 1988. [RM83] See [ANSI 83]. [RM95] See [ISO 95]. [Sales 92] R. Sales. Currency Sign Enhancements. Technical Report X3J4/WR-684, ANSI X3J4, 1992. COBOL Full Revision Working Paper. [Schaeffer 93] C. F. Schaeffer and G. N. Bundy. "Static Analysis of Exception Handling in Ada". Software Practice & Experience 23(10):1157-1174, 1993. [Schaffert 86] C. Schaffert, T. Cooper, B. Bullis, M. Kilian, and C. Wilpolt. An "Introduction to Trellis/Owl". In ACM OOPSLA'86 Proceedings. Portland, OR, 1986. [Seidewitz 91] E. Seidewitz. "Object-Oriented Programming Through Type Extension in Ada 9X". ACM SIGAda Ada Letters XI(2), March/April 1991. [Sha 90a] L. Sha, and J. B. Goodenough. "Real-Time Scheduling Theory and Ada". IEEE Computer 23(4): 53-62, April, 1990. [Sha 90b] L. Sha, R. Rajkumar, and J. P. Lehoczky. 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Laurent Guerby Ada 95 Rationale