PowerAda Basic Troubleshooting

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If the powerada command does not open the powerada main window, you should check that your account is set up properly to access powerada. Check the window from which you invoked the powerada command.

If you see a message like:

Warning: Environment variable POWERADA is not set properly. Unable to continue.

Then you need to set the environment variable POWERADA to the correct value for your installation. Check your Release Notes for more information.

If you see a message like:

ksh: powerada:  not found

Then you need to add the PowerAda bin directory to your search PATH. Execute the following command at the shell prompt, and add it to your login .profile so it is correct the next time you log in:


If you see a message like:

Warning: powerada: The DISPLAY environment variable is not defined.
export DISPLAY=<node>:<display-number>


Error: Can't open display: xstn151.1:0

Then you need to set the DISPLAY environment variable to the correct value for your X Windows environment. If you do not know what the value of DISPLAY should be, contact your system administrator for assistance.