6 Subprograms - Ada 95 Rationale
Perhaps the most important change to subprograms and their use in Ada 95 is the fact that they are more nearly first class types since they may be manipulated as the target of access types. However, this topic is dealt with in Chapter 3 and we concern ourselves here with other relatively minor improvements to subprograms. These are
- Various aspects of the parameter and result mechanism are improved. The notions of by-copy and by-reference parameters are made more formal. Parameters of mode out may now be read. Subprograms may have parameters of mode out for a limited view of a type.
- A parameter may also be of an anonymous access type.
- A subprogram body may now be provided by renaming; this and other changes increases the categories of conformance rules.
- The rules for new overloadings of "=" and "/=" are relaxed.
Other related matters are the calling conventions for interfacing with other languages; these are discussed in Part Three. Abstract subprograms are discussed in Chapter 3.
6.1 Parameter and Result Mechanism
For Ada 95, we define by-copy parameter passing in terms of a subtype conversion and an assignment. This minimizes the number of special rules associated with parameter passing.
For by-reference parameters, the formal parameter is considered a view of the actual.
Certain types are called by-copy types and are always passed by copy. Some other types are called by-reference types and are always passed by reference. For the remaining types the implementation is free to choose either mechanism. Note that the parameter mechanism is independent of the view; thus a private type is always passed by the mechanism appropriate to the full view of the type.
Note that tagged types, task types and protected types are by- reference types.
A similar approach is taken with function results. Certain types are classified as return-by-reference types. Again these include task types and protected types (and most other limited types, see 7.3). In the case of a result returned by reference the function call denotes a constant view of the object denoted by the return expression. In other cases a copy is made. Remember that the result of a function call is treated as an object in Ada 95.
A difference between parameters and results is that tagged types are always by reference as parameters but only returned by reference if limited.
For all modes and both mechanisms of parameters and for results, a subtype conversion is performed if necessary (to provide sliding).
Note in particular that sliding is used for array parameters and results whereas Ada 83 required the more restrictive exact matching of bounds. An array aggregate with others is still allowed as a parameter or as a result and with the same meaning although for different reasons. In Ada 83 it was allowed because the matching rules provide the bounds whereas in Ada 95 it is allowed because the rules for others in assignment are relaxed but there is the overriding rule that aggregates with others never slide.
In Ada 95 it is not erroneous to depend on the parameter passing mechanism (by-reference versus by-copy) for those types that allow both, though it is nonportable. This is an example of reducing totally unpredictable behavior (see 1.3).
6.1.1 Out Parameters
In Ada 83 a formal parameter of mode out could not be read, even after being initialized within the procedure. This forced certain algorithms to include a local variable just to accumulate a result and which was then assigned to the out parameter. Introducing such a local variable is error prone, because the final assignment may be mistakenly omitted.
Similarly, if an out parameter is passed to a second procedure to be filled in, the value returned cannot be checked prior to returning from the first procedure.
For Ada 95, we have removed the restrictions on the use of out parameters. Specifying that a formal parameter is of mode out indicates that the caller need not initialize it prior to the call. However, within the procedure, once the parameter has been initialized, it may be read and updated like any other variable. As with a normal variable, it is an error to depend on the value of an out parameter prior to its being initialized.
The added simplicity and flexibility provided by removing the restrictions on reading an out parameter allows many of the special cases associated with out parameters to be eliminated, including the restriction regarding their use with limited types.
Safety is preserved by ensuring that a subcomponent does not become "deinitialized" by being passed as an out parameter. If any subcomponent of a type passed by copy has default initialization, then the whole object is copied in at the start of the call so that the value of such a subcomponent is not lost as a result of a subprogram call during which no assignment is made to the subcomponent. But in practice records are usually passed by reference anyway.
6.1.2 Access Parameters
A formal in parameter may be specified with an access definition. Such a parameter is of a general access type that is totally anonymous (has no nameable subtypes), but is convertible to other general access types with the same designated subtype. Access parameters are valuable because they allow dispatching on access values; they are also convenient for use with access discriminants; see 3.7.1.
Access parameters are often an alternative to in out parameters especially for tagged types. Thus suppose we have a tagged type and an access type referring to it and appropriate variables such as
type T is tagged
record ...
type Access_T is access T;
Obj: T;
Obj_Ptr: Access_T := new T'(...);
plus subprograms taking parameters thus
procedure P(X: in out T);
procedure PA(XA: access T);
then within the body of both P and PA we have read and write access to the components of the record. Indeed because of automatic dereferencing the components are referred to in the same way. And since tagged types are all always passed by reference and never by copy, the effect is much the same for many situations. For example dispatching is possible in both cases. However, there are a number of important differences.
In the case of the in out parameter, the actual parameter could be Obj or Obj_Ptr.all thus
P(Obj); P(Obj_Ptr.all);
whereas in the case of the access parameter, the actual parameter has to be Obj'Access or Obj_Ptr. Moreover in the former case the variable Obj must be marked as aliased
Obj: aliased T;
PA(Obj'Access); PA(Obj_Ptr);
Remember also that an actual parameter corresponding to an access parameter cannot be null. Moreover, accessibility checks for access parameters are dynamic and the parameter carries with it an indication of its accessibility.
A vital difference is that a function cannot have an in out parameter and so an access parameter is essential if we need a function. We recall from 4.4.1 that the alternative of a procedure with an out parameter corresponding to the function result is not possible in some cases such as where the result type is class wide and we do not know the anticipated specific type.
Other important considerations occur if we have a sequence of nested calls. Thus suppose we have other procedures Q and QA and that in their bodies we wish to call the procedures P and PA with the parameter passed on. There are four possible combinations of calls to consider. We have
procedure Q(X: in out T) is
P(X); -- in out passed on to in out
PA(X'Access); -- in out passed on to access
end Q;
procedure QA(XA: access T) is
P(XA.all); -- access passed on to in out
PA(XA); -- access passed on to access
end QA;
All of these calls are legal. The call of PA from within Q is legal because formal parameters of a tagged type are considered aliased and treated just like an aliased local variable. Hence X'Access is allowed but the accessibility level is that of a variable local to Q. This means that the accessibility level passed to PA indicates that Q.X is local to Q and will not reflect the accessibility level of the original actual parameter passed to Q (and of course that information was not passed to Q anyway).
In the reverse situation where QA calls P no accessibility information is passed on. Moreover, it should be noted that the parameter XA.all creates a view of the original parameter and this view is passed on; no local object is created. Thus the information passed on is simply the original "reference" minus the accessibility information.
The uniform cases where Q calls P or QA calls PA are straightforward. The parameter is passed on unchanged, in the first case there is no accessibility information and in the second it is passed on intact.
There is a lot of merit in using access parameters because they pass the correct accessibility level and avoid the risk of an illegal program or unexpectedly raising Program_Error when attempting a conversion to a named access type. For example, assuming T and Access_T are declared at the same level as the procedures and that Q and QA are called with actual parameter Obj or Obj'Access respectively, then it would be illegal to write
Obj_Ptr := Access_T(X'Access);
inside Q since the static accessibility check fails, whereas it is legal to write the corresponding
Obj_Ptr := Access_T(XA);
inside QA, and the dynamic accessibility check succeeds.
Furthermore if we also had a procedure
procedure RA(XA: access T) is
Obj_Ptr := Access_T(XA);
end RA;
in which a similar conversion is performed, then calling RA from Q by
results in raising Program_Error on the attempted conversion in RA whereas calling RA from QA by
works successfully because the original accessibility level is preserved.
However, remember that we can always use Unchecked_Access which avoids the accessibility checks. This would overcome the difficulties in the above examples but of course the use of Unchecked_Access in general can result in dangling references; the responsibility lies with the user to ensure that this does not happen.
For a further discussion on access parameters and a comparison between them and parameters of a named access type see 3.7.1.
6.2 Renaming of Bodies and Conformance
In Ada 95, we allow a subprogram body to be provided by renaming another subprogram. This is a great convenience in those many cases in Ada 83 where the programmer was forced to provide a body which simply called some other existing subprogram. In order that the implementation can be just a jump instruction, the subprogram specification must be "subtype conformant" with the body used to implement it. Subtype conformance is required because the caller sees only the subprogram specification, and therefore has prepared the parameters, performed constraint checks, and followed the parameter passing conventions determined by the specification.
Several different rules existed in Ada 83 governing matching between subprogram specifications. For the purposes of hiding the name of the subprogram, only the types of the formal parameters and the result, if any, were relevant (see [RM83 8.3(15)]). For renaming and generic instantiation, the modes also had to match (see [RM83 8.5(7)] and [RM83 12.3.6(1)]). Between a specification and its body, syntactic equivalence was required ([RM83 6.3.1(5)]).
For Ada 95, in order to support access to subprogram types, and to support the provision of a body by a renaming, an intermediate level of matching is needed. This intermediate level requires static subtype matching, but allows formal parameter names and defaults to differ.
To improve the presentation in Ada 95, the descriptions of these various levels of subprogram matching are gathered into the section on Conformance Rules [RM95 6.3.1]. Each level of matching is given a name and they can be arranged in a strictly ascending order of strength as follows
- Type conformance. This is the matching that controls hiding.
- Mode conformance. This is the matching required for renaming and generic formal subprograms.
- Subtype conformance. This is the matching required for access to subprogram types, and for specifying a body via renaming.
- Full conformance. This is the matching required between the declaration and body of a subprogram, and between multiple specifications of a discriminant part.
In addition to centralizing these definitions, we have also relaxed the full conformance rules, in order to make them represent static semantic equivalence, rather than syntactic equivalence. This has the effect of eliminating certain anomalies (such as the non-transitivity of Ada 83 conformance), as well as being more natural for the programmer and easier to implement.
6.3 Overloading of Equality and Inequality Operators
In Ada 83, the "=" operator could be explicitly defined only for limited types (other than via a devious method based on a curious loophole in generic instantiation). This restriction was justified largely on methodological grounds. However, experience with Ada has illustrated several circumstances where it is very natural to provide a user-defined equality operator for nonlimited types. For example, within a three- value logic abstraction, "=" should return either True, False, or Unknown. For vector processing, it is natural to define a component-wise "=" operator for vectors, producing a vector of Boolean values as the result. In such cases, it is also important to be able to explicitly define "/=", since it is not the simple Boolean complement of "=".
In Ada 95, we allow "=" to be treated like any other relational operator. But note that when the result type of a user-defined "=" operator is Standard.Boolean, a complementary definition for "/=" is automatically provided. Explicit definitions for "/=" are also permitted, so long as the result type is not Standard.Boolean. A "/=" operator with a result type of Standard.Boolean may thus become defined only as an implicit side-effect of a definition for "=".
Of course, dispatching can occur on "=". For example in the procedure Convert in 4.4.3, the comparison in
while Temp /= Empty loop
dispatches. Typically the equality will be predefined but of course it might not be.
6.4 Requirements Summary
Many of the changes in this chapter are consequences of the general requirement
- R2.2-C(1) - Minimize Special Case Restrictions
discussed in [DoD 90 A.3]; this lists three examples which have been met by this chapter. They are the ability to redefine "=", the ability to read out parameters and the use of sliding (array subtype conversion).
Laurent Guerby Ada 95 Rationale