Annex F. Information Systems - Ada 95 Rationale

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One of the major goals of Ada 95 is to provide the necessary language facilities for the development of large-scale information systems that previously have been produced in COBOL and 4GLs. To a large extent, core language enhancements such as child units and object-oriented programming, and the new support for distribution, serve to meet this goal. However, there are also specific requirements at the computational level and for report-oriented output that must be addressed in order to ensure applicability to financial and related Information Systems applications. The major needs are

  • Exact, decimal arithmetic for quantities up to at least 18 digits of precision;
  • The ability to produce human-readable formats for such values, with control over the form and placement of currency symbol, sign, digits separator, and radix mark;
  • The ability to interface with data produced by, or programs written in, other languages (in particular C and COBOL).

This chapter describes the facilities and gives the reasons for the major decisions taken in Ada 95 to satisfy these requirements.

F.1 Decimal Computation

A numeric model highly appropriate for information systems, especially for financial applications, is that supplied by the COBOL language. In COBOL the programmer defines numeric items via a "picture" in terms of a specified number of decimal digits and the placement of the decimal point. The arithmetic verbs provide exact arithmetic, with control over truncation versus rounding on a per-computation basis. For example:

   05 FRACTION           PIC S9V99    VALUE .25.
   05 ALPHA              PIC S9999V9  VALUE 103.
   05 BETA               PIC S9999V9.

FRACTION has values in the range -9.99 through 9.99, and each of ALPHA and BETA is in the range -9999.9 through 9999.9.

   * Now BETA = 25.8, the rounded value of 25.75
   * Now BETA = 128.8
   * Now BETA = 12.8, since truncation is the default

It is also possible to express the above calculation more succinctly in COBOL:


However, the effect of rounding versus truncation is now implementation dependent, so the result may be either 12.8 or 12.9.

F.1.1 Decimal Arithmetic through Discriminated Type

In addressing the exact computational requirements, we examined several alternatives. One was to rely on a private discriminated type, with discriminants reflecting scale and precision. (The terminology here is the same as in SQL [ISO 92]: precision is the total number of decimal digits; scale is the number of digits after the decimal point.) For example

   package Computation is
       subtype Scale_Range is
         Integer range implementation-defined .. implementation-defined;
       subtype Precision_Range is
         Positive range 1 .. implementation-defined;
       type Decimal(Precision : Precision_Range;
                    Scale     : Scale_Range) is private;
       ... -- Subprograms for arithmetic
   end Computation;

Such an approach would have the benefit of separability from the core features, but its numerous drawbacks led to its rejection:

  • Literals are unavailable for private types, hence the programmer would need to perform explicit conversions either from String or from a specific real type. Such a style would be both inefficient and aesthetically displeasing. In an early version of the Ada 9X mapping there was a capability to obtain numeric literals for private types, but this was removed as a simplification.
  • Non-trivial optimizations are needed to avoid time and space overhead. In COBOL precision and scale are known at compile time, so the compiler can generate efficient code. The discriminated type approach lets the programmer defer specifying the precision and scale until run time, but the generality comes at a price.
  • A problem often cited with the COBOL model is the lack of typing. For example, if by mistake a COBOL programmer adds a unitless fraction to a salary, this error will not be detected by the compiler. To obtain compile-time protection from such an error in Ada, the programmer would need to derive from type Decimal, for example to declare the types Fraction and Salary. However, derivation provides more operations than make sense and hence other kinds of errors could still arise (for example, multiplying a Salary by a Salary to obtain a Salary). At the same time it yields less than what is needed; for example, it would be useful to be able to divide two Salary values and obtain a Fraction, but this would not be provided automatically. Although both of these problems could be solved by the programmer providing some additional explicit declarations, programmers might be tempted to forego the type derivations (and the resulting safety) and to simply declare all their data of type Decimal.
  • Specifying just precision and scale allows more values than might be sensible. For example, if we want a fraction value to be in the range 0.00 .. 1.00, we need to specify Decimal(Precision=>3, Scale=>2), but this allows all values in the range -9.99 .. 9.99.

Another major problem with the discriminated type approach is the error- prone effects of having arithmetic operators take parameters of type Decimal and deliver a result of type Decimal. Division in particular is troublesome; languages that attempt to address the issue lead inevitably to anomalies. For example, the well-known curiosity in PL/I is that the operation 10+1/3 overflows, since the language rules attempt to maximize the precision of the quotient. Moreover, the rules for precision and scale of an arithmetic result would clash with the need for discriminant identity on assignment. For example, consider the simple fragment:

      Salary : Decimal(Precision => 9, Scale => 2);
               -- Values in -99_999_99.99 .. 99_999_999.99
      Fraction : Decimal(Precision => 2, Scale => 2);
               -- Values in -0.99 .. 0.99
      Salary := Salary * Fraction;

The intuitive rule for "*" would be to define the precision of the result as the sum of the precisions of the operands, and similarly for the scale. Thus Salary*Fraction would have precision 11 and scale 4, sufficient to hold any product. But then the rules for discriminant matching would cause Constraint_Error to be raised by the assignment to Salary.

A possible solution would be to introduce special rules for discriminant matching in such cases, but this adds complexity. An alternative would be to omit the operator forms for the arithmetic subprograms and instead to provide a procedural interface with an out parameter, thereby making the result precision and scale known at the point of call. For example:

   procedure Multiply
      (Left, Right : in Decimal;
       Result      : out Decimal;
       Rounding    : in Boolean := False);

Although such an approach has been successfully applied in the Ada 83 Decimal Arithmetic and Representation components [Brosgol 92], the other drawbacks led us to seek alternative solutions for Ada 95.

F.1.2 Decimal Arithmetic and Ada 83 Numeric Types

The Ada 83 numeric types give us a choice among integer, floating point, and fixed point. In some sense integer arithmetic provides the most appropriate computational model, since it matches the requirements for exact results. For example, one might consider using an integer type Pennies to represent monetary values. However, this would be impractical for several reasons: the absence of real literals is a hardship, keeping track of implicit scaling is awkward, and many compilers do not support the 64-bit integer arithmetic that would be needed for 18 digits of accuracy.

Floating point is unacceptable because of the inherent inexactness of representing decimal quantities. Consider the following program fragment, where X is a floating point variable:

   X := 0.0;
   for I in 1 .. 10 loop
      X := X + 0.10;
   end loop;

After execution of the loop using typical floating point hardware, X will not equal 1.00. Moreover, 64-bit floating point does not have enough mantissa bits to represent 18 decimal digits.

At first glance, fixed point seems no better. The apparent motivations behind the fixed point facility in Ada were to deal with scaled data coming in from sensors in real-time applications, and to provide a substitute for floating point in target environments lacking floating point hardware. Indeed, the inherent bias toward powers of 2 for the attribute Small in the Ada 83 fixed point model seems at odds with the needs of decimal computation.

However, fixed point provides a closer fit than might be expected [Dewar 90b]. The Ada 83 unification of floating point and fixed point under the category of "approximate" computation is more artificial than real, since the model-number inaccuracy that is appropriate in the floating point case because of differences in target hardware is not applicable at all to fixed point. The fixed point arithmetic operations "+", "-", "*", "/" are exact, and through a Small representation clause the programmer can specify decimal scaling. Thus consider a COBOL declaration


which defines SALARY as a signed binary data item comprising 8 decimal digits, of which 2 are after the assumed decimal point. This can be simulated in Ada:

   type Dollars is delta 0.01 range -999_999.99 .. 999_999.99;
   for Dollars'Small use 0.01;
   Salary : Dollars;

The programmer-specified Small not only provides the required decimal scaling, it also prevents the implementation from supplying extra fractional digits. This is important in financial applications: if the programmer requests 2 fractional digits, it would be incorrect for a compiler to provide 3.

The fixed point approach immediately avoids several of the problems with discriminated types: we get numeric literals, compile-time known scales and precisions, strong typing, and the ability to specify logical ranges. Moreover, the rules for the arithmetic operators are fitting. The "+" and "-" operators require identical operand types and deliver a result of the same type, which is an intuitively correct restriction. Adding or subtracting quantities with different scales is not a frequent situation; when it arises, it is reasonable to require an explicit conversion to indicate the rescaling. Automatic availability of mixed- type "*" and "/" also makes sense.

There are, however, several problems with adopting the Ada 83 fixed point model unchanged for decimal arithmetic.

  • The Ada fixed point model leads to occasional surprises, even in the presence of a Small representation clause. For example, one or both endpoints supplied in the definition of a fixed point type may be absent from the implemented range for the type.
  • The Ada 83 fixed point rules require conversions of real literals (and named numbers of type universal_real) that appear as factors in multiplication or division. Without the programmer providing an explicit declaration of an applicable "*" operator, it would be illegal to write:
        Worker_Salary := 1.05 * Worker_Salary;
Instead, something like the following circumlocution is required:
        Worker_Salary := Dollars(Some_Type(1.05) * Worker_Salary);
The need for the programmer to supply either these explicit conversions or an explicit overloading of "*", is somewhat embarrassing. In COBOL the equivalent functionality can be obtained directly:
  • The previous example illustrates another serious problem: Ada fixed point does not give a well-defined result for the conversion of values. That is, the language does not guarantee whether the result of a fixed point conversion is to be rounded or truncated. In fact, different evaluations of the same expression in the same program could yield different results, an unwelcome nondeterminism.
  • Facilities such as edited output, and a division operation delivering both a quotient and remainder, are not defined for fixed point types.

F.1.3 Decimal Arithmetic through Decimal Types

Since fixed point comes reasonably close to satisfying the requirements for decimal arithmetic, our decision was to use that facility as the basis for a solution. Ada 95 thus introduces a new class of fixed point types, the decimal types, distinguished syntactically by the presence of a positive integer digits value following the delta in a fixed point definition. The delta .. digits .. syntax, suggested by David Emery [Emery 91], has the advantage of identifying the type immediately as a special kind of fixed point type (the delta) without requiring new reserved words.

The delta value must be a power of 10. For example:

   type Francs is delta 0.01 digits 9;

This declaration is similar in effect to the Ada 83 fragment:

   type Francs is delta 0.01 range -(10.0**9 - 1.0) .. 10.0**9 - 1.0;
   for Francs'Small use 0.01;

The digits value in a decimal fixed point type definition thus implies a range constraint. For a decimal type with delta D and digits N (both of which must be static), the implied range is - (10.0**N - 1.0)*D .. (10.0**N - 1.0)*D. Moreover, a range constraint may be further supplied at the definition of a decimal type or subtype, and at the declaration of objects. For example:

   type    Salary is delta 0.01 digits 8 range 0.00 .. 100_000.00;
   subtype Price  is Francs              range 0.00 .. 1000.00;
   Worker_Salary : Salary range 0.00 .. 50_000.00;

The ordinary fixed point operations, such as the arithmetic operators and fixed point attributes, are available for decimal types. There are, however, several important differences:

  • For a decimal subtype S, the conversion S(expr) where expr is of some numeric type is defined to truncate (towards 0) rather than having an unspecified effect.
  • To obtain a rounded result for an expression expr having a real type, the function attribute S'Round(expr) can be used. This attribute is not available for ordinary fixed point types.
  • Other attributes apply only to decimal subtypes: for example, S'Digits and S'Scale. The former reflects the value of digits supplied for the declaration of S. The latter is the number of digits after the decimal point in values of S and is related to S'Delta by the equation
        10.0**(-S'Scale) = S'Delta
A stylistic issue noted above, namely the inability in Ada 83 to write simple statements such as:
   Worker_Salary := 1.05 * Worker_Salary;

has been solved in Ada 95 for fixed point types in general. The revised rules permit a universal_fixed value to be implicitly converted to a specific target type if the context uniquely establishes the target type. Thus there is no need to convert to Salary the product on the right side of the assignment. Another new rule allows a universal_real value to be used as an operand to a fixed point "*" and "/"; thus there is no need to convert the literal 1.05 to a specific type. Although these enhancements are motivated by considerations with decimal types, it makes no sense either from an implementation or user viewpoint to apply the new rules only to decimal types, and thus they have been generalized for ordinary fixed point types as well.

Given that decimal types come equipped with their own operations, it is natural to introduce a category of generic formal type that can only be matched by decimal subtypes. The syntax for such a generic formal type is what one would expect:
   type T is delta <> digits <>;
The actual subtype supplied for a formal decimal type must be a decimal subtype. This makes sense, since an ordinary fixed point subtype does not have all the necessary operations. On the other hand, there is a design issue whether to permit an actual decimal subtype to match a formal fixed point type (one given by delta <>). Such permission would seem to be useful, since it would allow existing Ada 83 fixed point generics to be matched by Ada 95 decimal subtypes. However, it would introduce some implementation difficulties, especially for those compilers that attempt to share the code of the template across multiple instances. The fact that some operations (in particular numeric conversion) behave differently for decimal and ordinary fixed point would also cause complications if decimal subtypes were permitted to match formal fixed point types. Thus the decimal fixed point types are defined to form a class disjoint from ordinary fixed point types with respect to generic matching.
Formal decimal types are exploited to provide edited output (see below) as well as division delivering both a quotient and a remainder.
One of the requirements for information systems applications is the ability to perform edited output of decimal quantities. We considered introducing decimal subtype attributes for this effect; for example S'Image(X, Picture) would return a String based on the value of X and the formatting conventions of Picture. However, this approach would have introduced implementation complexity out of proportion to the notational benefit for users. The type of Picture is defined in an external package, making such an attribute rather atypical, and support would affect the compiler and not simply require a supplemental package. Instead, picture-based output is obtained via generics, as described below.

F.1.4 Internal Representation for Decimal Objects

Ada and COBOL have a somewhat different philosophy about internal data representation. Through the USAGE clause the COBOL programmer furnishes information about how numeric items will be represented, either explicitly (such as BINARY, DISPLAY, PACKED-DECIMAL) or by default (DISPLAY). COBOL's default representation opts for data portability versus computational efficiency.

Ada's approach to data representation, for types in general and not just decimal, is to let the compiler decide based on efficiency, and to let the programmer override this choice explicitly when necessary. For decimal types this is achieved through the Machine_Radix attribute and the corresponding attribute definition clause.

An object of a decimal type, as with fixed point in general, may be viewed as the product of an integer mantissa (represented explicitly at run time) and the type's delta (managed at compile time). The type's Machine_Radix determines the representation of the mantissa: a value of 2 implies binary, while a value of 10 implies decimal. The compiler will choose an implementation-defined machine radix by default, which the programmer can override with an explicit attribute definition clause. Consider the following example, where the implementation's default for all decimal types is binary machine radix:

   type Money_2  is delta 0.01 digits 18;
   type Money_10 is delta 0.01 digits 18;
   for Money_10'Machine_Radix use 10;

An object of type Money_2 is represented in binary; on typical machines it will occupy 64 bits (including a sign).

An object of type Money_10 is represented in decimal; it will take 18 digits (and a sign). The exact representation is unspecified, and in fact different machines have different formats for packed decimal concerning how the sign is encoded. If a decimal type's machine radix is 10, then the compiler may also generate packed-decimal instructions for arithmetic computation. Whether it chooses to do so, rather than converting to/from binary and using binary arithmetic, depends on which is more efficient.

The only difference in behavior between decimal and binary machine radix, aside from performance, is that some intermediate results might overflow in one case but not the other. For example, if Money_10 values are represented in 19 digits (an odd number is typical for packed decimal, since the sign can be stored in the same byte as a digit), and Money_2 values occupy 64 bits, then a computation such as (100.0 * Money)/100.0 will overflow if Money has type Money_10, but not if Money has type Money_2, where Money is 10.0**18 - 1.0.

Implementations using packed decimal are encouraged to exploit subtype digits constraints for space economization. For example:

   Pay : Money_10 digits 9;

The compiler can and should represent Pay in 9 digits rather than 18 as would be needed in general for Money_10.

Ada does not provide the equivalent of DISPLAY usage for decimal data, since computation on character strings would be inefficient. If the programmer wishes to store decimal data in an external file in a portable fashion, the recommended approach is to convert via the To_Display function in Interfaces.COBOL.Decimal_Conversions; see B.3.

F.1.5 Compliance

The decimal type facility is part of the core language; thus the syntax for decimal types and for formal generic decimal types must be supported by all implementations. However, since a compiler needs to implement ordinary fixed point only for values of Small that are powers of 2, it may reject the declaration of a decimal type and also the declaration of a generic unit with a formal decimal type parameter. To be compliant with the Information Systems Annex a compiler must implement decimal types and must also allow digits values up to at least 18.

We had considered requiring support for decimal types (but without the 18 digit capacity) for all implementations. However, this was judged a heavy implementation burden for a facility whose usage is fairly specialized.

F.2 Edited Output

A facility essential for financial and other Information Systems applications and long established in COBOL is the ability for the programmer to dictate the appearance of numeric data as character strings, for example for reports or for display to human readers. Known as edited output, such a facility allows control over the placement and form of various elements:

  • The sign;
  • The radix mark, which separates the integer part of the number from the fraction;
  • The digits separator, which separates groups of digits to improve readability;
  • The currency symbol;
  • The treatment of leading zeros, for example whether they should appear explicitly as '0' characters, as blank space, or as a string of occurrences of a "check protection" character.

COBOL's approach is to associate a "picture string" with the target data item for the edited output string. When a numeric value is moved to that target item, the associated picture determines the form of the output string. For example:

   05 DATA-1       PIC S9999V99   VALUE -1234.56.

The contents of OUTPUT-FIELD after the move are "-$bb1,234.56" where 'b' denotes the blank character.

F.2.1 General Approach

Textual I/O for decimal types is obtained in the same fashion as for other numeric types, by generic instantiation. The generic package Decimal_IO in Text_IO supplies Get and Put procedures for a decimal type with analogous effects to Get and Put in Text_IO.Fixed_IO for an ordinary fixed point type. Supplementing these facilities is a child package Text_IO.Editing in the Information Systems Annex, which provides several facilities:

  • A private type Picture and associated operations. A Picture object encodes the formatting information supplied in a "picture string" concerning the placement of so-called "editing characters" in an output string;
  • Constants for the default localization elements. These elements comprise the currency string, and the characters for fill of leading zeros, for digits separation, and for the radix mark;
  • A generic package Decimal_Output allowing COBOL-style edited output for decimal types.

The Decimal_Output package supplies an Image function and several Put procedures, each taking an Item parameter (of the decimal type), a Pic parameter (of type Picture), and parameters for the localization effects. The default values for the localization parameters can be supplied as generic parameters; if not, then the default values declared in the enclosing package Text_IO.Editing are used.

An alternative that we considered for the picture parameter was to have it directly as a String, but this would make optimizations difficult. Hence package Editing supplies a private type Picture, conversion functions between String and Picture, and a function Valid that checks a string for well-formedness. Since picture strings are dynamically computable, the approach provides substantial flexibility. For example, an interactive program such as a spreadsheet could obtain the picture string at run time from the user. On the other hand, if the programmer only needs static picture strings, the compiler can exploit this and produce optimized inline expansions of calls of the edited output subprograms.

An example of a typical usage style is as follows:

   with Text_IO.Editing;
   procedure Example is
      use Text_IO.Editing;
      type Salary is delta 0.01 digits 9;
      package Salary_Output is new Decimal_Output(Salary);
      S     : Salary;
      S_Pic : constant Picture := To_Picture("$*_***_**9.99");
      S := 12345.67
      Salary_Output.Put(S, S_Pic);  -- Produces "$***12,345.67"
   end Example;

We recognize that someone coming to Ada from COBOL may find the style somewhat unusual. In COBOL, performing edited output involves simply defining a picture and doing a MOVE, whereas in Ada 95 it is necessary to instantiate a generic, convert a string to a private type, and invoke a subprogram. However, this is principally a training and transition issue, which experience has shown to be solvable via an appropriate pedagogical style. Moreover, generics and private types are features of Ada that all programmers will need to understand and employ. Since these features apply naturally to the problem of edited output, there is little point in trying to disguise this.

F.2.2 Relationship to COBOL Edited Output

There are several reasons for basing the Ada 95 edited output facility directly on COBOL. First, the programmer population toward whom Ada 95's information systems support is targeted comprises largely COBOL users. Second, although enhanced edited output mechanisms have appeared in modern spreadsheet utilities, their proprietary nature makes commercial products an unappealing candidate as a source of specific features.

Still there was the issue of whether to adopt COBOL's "picture" approach as closely as possible, or to use it more loosely as the basis for a more comprehensive but possibly incompatible facility. We have taken the former approach for several reasons:

  • To redesign the edited output facility from starting principles would have required a detailed review of the entire history behind the current COBOL standard's approach, an effort that would have been outside the scope of the Ada 9X project.
  • Basing the Ada 95 edited output rules directly on COBOL obviously reduces the learning curve for COBOL programmers.

As a result the rules for picture string formation and interpretation for edited output are identical to those in ISO standard COBOL, except for the following:

  • In Ada the picture characters for currency symbol, digits separator, and radix mark are not overridable. '$' and '#' are the currency symbols, '_' is the digits separator and '.' is the radix mark. No other characters can be used for these purposes in the picture string.
  • On the other hand, Ada provides more flexibility than COBOL in the run-time localization of currency symbol, digits separator, radix mark, and "fill character" (also known as the "check protection character"). The programmer can arrange localization by passing explicit parameters to the edited output subprograms, or by instantiating the generic Decimal_Output package with values to be used as defaults for the localization elements.
  • The currency symbol can be localized to a multi-character string; each of the other localization elements can be localized to any single character. The first (or only) occurrence of '$' in a picture string represents as many positions in the edited output result as there are characters in the current currency string. Subsequent occurrences of the symbol represent just one position in the edited output string.
  • Ada allows a multi-character currency substring of the picture string to stand for a substring with the same length in the edited output string, if '#' is the currency symbol. This "length invariant" property can be useful in programs that need to deal with different currencies.
  • Ada also allows the use of parentheses for negative quantities in the edited output string. The angle bracket characters '<' and '>' in the picture string denote positions where '(' and ')' can appear in the edited output. (The parentheses characters themselves have other meaning in picture strings, surrounding a count indicating repetition of the preceding picture character as in COBOL. The angle brackets were chosen since they look enough like parentheses to remind the user of their effect.)
  • Ada allows the currency symbol to the right of the number as well as to the left.

There are several reasons why we have not adopted the COBOL-style permission to provide a single-character replacement in the picture string for the '$' as currency symbol, or to interchange the roles of '.' and ',' in picture strings:

  • It would have introduced considerable complexity into Ada, as well as confusion between run-time and compile-time character interpretation, since picture strings are dynamically computable in Ada, in contrast with COBOL.
  • Ada's rules for real literals provide a standard and natural interpretation of '_' as digits separator and '.' for radix mark; it is not essential to allow these to be localized in picture strings, since Ada does not allow them to be localized in real literals.
  • The COBOL restriction for the currency symbol in a picture string to be replaced by a single character currency symbol is a compromise solution. In any event a mechanism is needed to localize the edited output to be a multi-character currency string. Allowing a single- character localization for the picture character, and a multiple- character localization for the currency string, would be an unwelcome complication.

The enhancement of the picture string form to allow parentheses for negative quantities is not in the current COBOL standard, but it is a real need in many financial applications. Thus the additional rules were judged to be worth the cost.

The approach to currency symbol localization is consistent with the directions that the ISO COBOL standardization group (WG4) is taking [Sales 92]. Thus we are attempting to preserve compatibility not just with the existing COBOL standard but also with the version currently under development.

In COBOL, the BLANK WHEN 0 clause for a numeric edited item interacts with edited output. For example, if OUTPUT-ITEM is defined as follows:

   05   OUTPUT-ITEM  PIC -9999.99 BLANK WHEN 0.

then OUTPUT-ITEM will contain a string of 8 blanks. In the absence of the BLANK WHEN 0 clause, OUTPUT-ITEM would contain "b0000.00". The effect of the BLANK WHEN 0 clause is considered in Ada to be part of the Picture value; thus the function To_Picture takes not just a picture string but also a Boolean value reflecting whether a 0 value is to be treated as all blanks.

The edited output rules in the Ada standard are given by a combination of BNF (for "well-formed picture strings") and expansion rules that define the edited output of a non-terminal in terms of the edited output for the right sides of the rules. We had considered defining the rules instead by a direct reference to the COBOL standard, but that would have had two undesirable consequences. First, it would have required the reader to be familiar with a rather complicated section of a document (the COBOL standard) that would not necessarily be easily accessible. Second, the reference would become obsolete when the COBOL standard is revised.

F.2.3 Example

The following example illustrates edited output with localization:

   with Text_IO.Editing;
   procedure Example is
      use Text_IO.Editing;
      type Money is delta 0.01 digits 8;
      package Money_Output is new Decimal_Output(Money);
      package Money_Output_FF is
         new Decimal_Output(
            Default_Currency   => "FF",
            Default_Fill       => '*',
            Default_Separator  => '.',
            Default_Radix_Mark => ',');
      Amount     : Money range 0.0 .. Money'Last;
      Amount_Pic : constant Picture := To_Picture("$$$$_$$9.99");
      Amount := 1234.56;
      Money_Output.Put(Item => Amount,
                       Pic  => Amount_Pic );
      -- Outputs the string "bb$1,234.56"
      -- where 'b' designates the space character
      Money_Output_FF.Put(Item => Amount,
                          Pic  => Amount_Pic );
      -- Outputs the string "bbFF1.234,56"
      Money_Output.Put(Item       => Amount,
                       Pic        => Amount_Pic,
                       Currency   => "CHF",
                       Fill       => '*',
                       Separator  => ',',
                       Radix_Mark => '.' );
      -- Outputs the string "bbCHF1,234.56"
      Money_Output.Put(Item       => Amount,
                       Pic        => To_Picture("####_##9.99")
                       Currency   => "CHF",
                       Fill       => '*',
                       Separator  => ',',
                       Radix_Mark => '.' );
      -- Outputs the string "CHF1,234.56"
   end Example;

F.3 Requirements Summary

The facilities of the Information Systems Annex relate to the requirements in 10.1 (Handling Currency Quantities for Information Systems), 10.2 (Compatibility with Other Character Sets), 10.3 (Interfacing with Data Base Systems), and 10.4 (Common Functions).

The requirement

  • R10.1-A(1) - Decimal-Based Types

is satisfied by the Ada 95 decimal fixed point type facility.

The study topic

  • S10.1-A(2) - Specification of Decimal Representation

is met in part by the Machine_Radix attribute definition clause.

The study topic

  • S10.2-A(1) - Alternate Character Set Support

is satisfied in part by the permission of an implementation to localize the declaration of type Character.

The study topic

  • S10.3-A(1) - Interfacing with Data Base Systems

is satisfied in part by the provision of decimal types and also the package Interfaces.COBOL (see B.3).

The study topic

  • S10.4-A(2) - String Manipulation Functions

is met in part by the edited output facilities.

Laurent Guerby Ada 95 Rationale