PowerAda Overview
From OC Systems Wiki!
This Appendix is a reference for all the command-line tools provided with PowerAda. The standard "man page" format is generally followed, but the on-line version of this information must be viewed with an HTML browser and is not accessible with the man
The following commands are described:
a2ps, abinchk, abuild, ada, adbg, aextract, afilemv, afmt, ahelp, alibchk, alibcompress, alibcp, alibinit, alibmv, alibrm, aprojbaseline, aprojbuild, aprojcp, aprojfind, aprojhide, aprojinfo, aprojinit, aprojls, aprojmv, aprojrm, areport, areport, asrcdep, asrcinfo, aunitcp, aunitmv, aunitrm, lynx, m4, powerada, xemacs, and xmosaic.