PowerAda The PowerAda Grapher
The PowerAda Grapher is a powerful tool that allows you to examine the relationships between units compiled into the current library. Operations include:
- Selecting Displayed Units
- Moving Selected Units
- Adding Related Units
- Focusing on a Unit
- Browsing a Displayed Unit
- Changing the Graph Layout
Opening a Grapher
You may open a grapher from the Unit Views. Select the units you wish to graph from the list and Choose Graph Units... from the Sublibrary, Library, or Units menu.
Selecting Displayed Units
To select a displayed unit, left-click on a unit icon or label. The selected unit will be highlighted. To select multiple units, hold down the shift key while left-clicking on units.
Moving Selected Units
To move a selected unit (or units) around in the display, hold down the left mouse button after the last selection. The mouse cursor will change from the normal pointer to a crosshair. Move the mouse pointer to the desired location and release the left button. The unit (or units) will be moved relative to the mouse drag.
Adding Related Units
To add units related to a selected unit (or units), choose one of the "add" actions from the action menu. Any units related to the selected unit (or units) by the chosen relationship will be added. The following relationships can be chosen:
Imports units withed directly by the unit
Exports units that with the unit directly
Family specs, bodies, and immediate subunits of the unit
Children immediate child packages of the unit
All import, exports, family, children of the unit
Focusing on a Unit
To focus on an individual unit, select the unit then choose Focus On Selected from the Action menu.
Browsing a Displayed Unit
To browse the source for a displayed unit, select the unit then choose Browse Selected from the Action menu.
Changing the Graph Layout
To change the layout of the entire displayed graph, choose one of the layout options from the Layout menu. The tree layout places root nodes on the left and adds subsequent layers on the right. The grid layout arranges units in rows and columns (in no particular order). The ellipse layout arranges units around an ellipse (in no particular order).