Author - Ada 95 Rationale
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I'm a 2d year student at Telecom Bretagne, a french "Grande Ecole". I will ;-) graduate in 1996. My favourite programming language is of course Ada 95 (and my favourite compiler is GNAT) but I don't forget other ones (C, C++, Eiffel, Lisp, SmallTalk ...). I play handball with the school's team (goalkeeper). I'm president of the boardgame (and wargame) club and I play RPG too.
And I always respond to e-mails ...
- Address at school
- Laurent Guerby
- Telecom Bretagne
- 29285 BREST (FRANCE)
- Address at home
- Laurent Guerby
- 09140 OUST (FRANCE)
Laurent Guerby Ada 95 Rationale