PowerAda Class Browser View

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The PowerAda Class Browser allows you to examine the hierarchy of types, both tagged and non-tagged, to determine the derivation, composition, and primitive operations of a type.

Contents of a Class Browser

A class browser consists of three panes: the derivation pane, which graphically depicts the type derivation hierarchy; the components pane, which lists the component fields of record types; and the primitive operations pane, which lists the user-defined and inherited primitive operations (but not the implicit operators) defined for the type.

class browser.gif

Viewing The Components and Operations Of A Type

To view the components and operations of a type displayed in the derivation, single-click on the icon representing the type. The icon will be highlighted in the derivation pane, the components pane will list any component fields of the selected type, and the operations pane will list any primitive operations defined for the type.

Viewing The Type Declaration

To view the declaration of a type in the derivation, double-click on the icon representing the type. A source browser will be opened for the containing unit, and the declaration of the type will be highlighted.

Viewing The Declaration Of A Component

To view the declaration of a component of the selected type in the derivation pane, double-click on the component appropriate entry in the component pane. A source browser will be opened for the containing unit, and the declaration of the component will be highlighted.

Viewing The Declaration Of A Primitive Operation

To view the declaration of a primitive operation of the selected type in the derivation pane, double-click on the appropriate entry in the operation pane. A source browser will be opened for the containing unit, and the declaration of the operation will be highlighted.


The Class menu appears in class browsing views, and contains the following items.

Browse Declaration

Opens a source browser view ( See Source Browser View) for the containing unit.

Add Children

Adds all the types that are derived from the selected type to the display. This operation may take some time to complete.