PowerAda File Views

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A file view is simply a list of files. The files are usually the contents of a single directory (a Directory View), but may also be a list of files resulting from a search via the Find Files operation in the Go Menu. Any number of files may be selected at once. To select multiple files, either drag the mouse over them, or select a single file then hold down Control or Shift while selecting additional files.

The information for each file in the list is displayed across a number of columns:

  • Name: This displays the name of the file.
  • Type: This displays the file type such as Directory, Ada Source, Text File, PowerAda Executable, etc.
  • Timestamp: The modification date and time for the file.
  • Permissions: The file permissions in the same format as 'ls -l'.
  • File Size: The size of the file in bytes.
  • Owner: The current owner and group of the file (e.g. system.bin).
  • Compilation Status: Whether the file is loaded / compiled / pending (compiled with errors) into the local sublibrary.
  • CM Info: Who has the file 'locked' in the Configuration Management system.
  • Path: This will only be displayed when you have performed a Search. It displays the project-relative path to the file.

You can use the Show Columns menu option to enable or disable the display of any of the columns except for the name. Clicking on the header of any column, selects that column for the primary sort. The list will be resorted according to the column type and the column heading will be shown selected.

You can adjust the width of any of the columns. Place the cursor over the right-hand edge of a column heading so that the cursor changes shape. Drag the cursor left to make the column narrower or right to make the column wider.

PowerAda will save the column settings you have chosen when you exit it so that you will get the same appearance the next time.

The Directory or Files menu appears in file views, and contains the following items.

Create Directory/File

Create a new directory or file in the current directory. Prompts for a filename or directory name.


Delete Files

These functions work similarly to their UNIX equivalents (cp, mv, rm). They prompt for the target file or directory. All but Rename can operate on one or more files; Rename operates on one file at a time.

Import Files

Used to copy external (non-project) files into the working project, via the Import Files Dialog (described in the online help).

Show All Files

All files in the current directory (hidden or otherwise) as well as all shadowed files are displayed in the file view. The entries for the shadow files are preceded by a "+" sign to distinguish them from the local file in the view. The entries for hidden files are preceded by a "*".

Hide Selected File

Hides the selected file from the file view. If a local file is selected, all shadows are also hidden. If a shadowed file is selected, any shadows of the shadowed file are hidden by this operation. When the selected file is an Ada source file, this operation also hides the corresponding units in the relevant sublibrary.

Unhide Selected File

Unhides the selected file and displays it in the file view. Also, unhides the corresponding units in the sublibrary. Note that "Show All Files" must be on so a selection can be made.

Reinitialize Sublibrary

Removes all compiled units from the local working sublibrary. This is equivalent to running alibinit from the command line. This menu item does not appear in executable views. For more information, see "alibinit" in Appendix E.

Debug Program

Invokes the PowerAda debugger, adbg, on the selected executable. A dialog prompts for command-line arguments to the debugger. For more on the debugger, see Chapter 6, "The PowerAda Debugger: adbg", and Appendix F, "Debugger Command Reference".

Run Program

Runs the currently selected executable file. A dialog prompts for command-line arguments before the program is run. An xterm is opened containing the program; after its execution completes, the xterm can be closed by pressing Enter.

run program.gif

Show Columns

This is a cascaded menu for controlling which fields are displayed in the directory and sublibrary browsers.

Show File Type/Timestamp/Permissions/File Size/Ownership

Controls whether or not these fields are displayed.

Show Compilation Status

When this toggle is set, an additional column is displayed.which indicates whether Ada files have been changed or loaded since they were last compiled. Note that this does not indicate if a unit is made obsolete by changes in other units.

Show CM Info

When this toggle is set, an additional column is displayed. This column shows site- and CM-specific information about the files as generated by a PACM script. This column is updated only on demand because fetching information from the CM system may be slow.

Update CM Info

This button is active only when the Show CM Info toggle is checked. It re-retrieves CM information from the local CM system and updates the displayed info for all or selected files. Depending on the local configuration, this operation may be slow to complete.